A 444 noticed that Balázs Orbán, the prime minister’s political director and the director of the MCC, the Fidesz cadre training center stuffed with billions of public money, said in the Strategic Department program on Mandiner:
“Starting from 56, we probably wouldn’t have done what President Zelensky did 2.5 years ago, because it’s irresponsible, because it seems that he took his country into a war of defense, so many people died, so many territories were lost, I’ll say it again, it’s their right, their sovereign decision, they could do it, but if they had asked us, we wouldn’t have advised them, because in 1956 what happened was what happened. Because we have learned that you have to be careful here and treat the very precious Hungarian lives with care. You can’t just throw them in front of others.”
Don’t believe? Here you go:
We would be very curious to know what the greatest fighter for national sovereignty, Orbán (I mean Viktor), would say about this, who spoke at Imre Nagy’s funeral about the fact that in ’56 (if only for a few days) we managed to reach the already 1848 our goals set in: national independence and political freedom.
Budapest, June 16, 1989. Viktor Orbán speaks on behalf of Hungarian youth at the funeral of Imre Nagy and his fellow martyrs at the funeral home in front of the Műcsarnok. MTI Photo: Csaba István Tóth
Who in 2008 still was convinced that that the Central European countries, especially the Hungarians because of ’56, have an obligation to speak clearly and clearly when an independent country is subjected to military aggression:
Who, together with József Szájer, wrote in the granite-solid Basic Law that “our freedom today sprung from our revolution of 1956.”
Well, of course, the paper draws attention to it, Due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, Orbán also rewrites the history of the 1956 War of Independence in accordance with Russian interestsits political director also complies with this new narrative.
(Cover photo: Zoltán Blikk/Knap)