Access to pharmacies in rural areas

2022-08-07 22:00:00

N° 841 rect.



Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on July 28, 2022


aiming to facilitate access by the population in rural areas to pharmacies,


By Messrs. Cédric VIAL, Jean-Raymond HUGONET, Mrs Sylviane NOËL, Mr Laurent BURGOA, Mrs Claudine THOMAS, Mr Philippe MOUILLER, Mrs Françoise DUMONT, Mr Laurent SOMON, Mrs Else JOSEPH, MM. Christophe-André FRASSA, Édouard COURTIAL, Stéphane PIEDNOIR, Stéphane SAUTAREL, Mmes Micheline JACQUES, Frédérique PUISSAT, MM. Jean-Baptiste BLANC, Olivier PACCAUD, Ms. Laurence GARNIER, Mr. Gilbert FAVREAU, Ms. Alexandra BORCHIO FONTIMP, Mr. Fabien GENET, Ms. Vivette LOPEZ, MM. Mathieu DARNAUD, Louis-Jean de NICOLAŸ, Didier MANDELLI, Mrs Joëlle GARRIAUD-MAYLAM, MM. François BONHOMME, Michel SAVIN, Mrs Marie-Pierre RICHER, Mr Max BRISSON, Mrs Dominique ESTROSI SASSONE, Mr Rémy POINTEREAU, Mrs Frédérique GERBAUD, MM. Antoine LEFÈVRE, Vincent SEGOUIN, Mrs Marie-Christine CHAUVIN, Béatrice GOSSELIN, MM. Jérôme BASCHER, Philippe BAS, Mrs Anne VENTALON, MM. Laurent DUPLOMB, Philippe TABAROT, Mrs Elsa SCHALCK, Mr Jean-François RAPIN, Mrs Laurence MULLER-BRONN, Laure DARCOS, Mr Marc-Philippe DAUBRESSE, Mrs Christine BONFANTI-DOSSAT, Brigitte MICOULEAU, Mr Jean-Jacques PANUNZI, Mrs Patricia DEMAS, Messrs. Yves BOULOUX, Bernard FOURNIER, Stéphane LE RUDULIER, Pascal ALLIZARD, Mrs. Catherine BELRHITI, Mr. Pierre CHARON, Mrs. Kristina PLUCHET, Mr. Bruno ROJOUAN, Mrs. Brigitte LHERBIER, MM. Cédric PERRIN, Olivier RIETMANN, Mrs Agnès CANAYER, Mr Philippe PAUL, Mrs Isabelle RAIMOND-PAVERO, MM. Jean-François HUSSON, Ronan LE GLEUT, Ms Nassimah DINDAR, Nathalie GOULET, Annick BILLON, Mr Pascal MARTIN, Ms Évelyne PERROT, Françoise FÉRAT, Anne-Catherine LOISIER, Mr Olivier HENNO, Ms Lana TETUANUI, Christine HERZOG, Sonia de LA PROVÔTE, Brigitte DEVÉSA, MM. Jean HINGRAY, Loïc HERVÉ, Franck MENONVILLE, Daniel CHASSEING, Joël GUERRIAU, Dany WATTEBLED, Jean-Yves ROUX, Ms Marie-Laure PHINERA-HORTH, Nicole DURANTON, Mr Didier RAMBAUD and Ms Angèle PRÉVILLE,


(Sent to the Social Affairs Committee, subject to the possible constitution of a special committee under the conditions provided for by the Rules.)

#Access #pharmacies #rural #areas



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