Accepted by the majority of the n/s for personal doctor and University Health Centers – Georgiadis: A big step forward

Accepted by the majority of the n/s for personal doctor and University Health Centers – Georgiadis: A big step forward

New Democracy declared in favor of the principle of the bill. SYRIZA, KKE, New Left and “Niki” voted against. PASOK, the Hellenic Solution, Freedom Sailing and the “Spartiates” stated their reservations regarding their final position at the plenary session.

“The bill takes a big step forward and is a necessary reform”, said the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, who explained that the aim of the legislative intervention is to ensure an adequate ratio of personal doctors to the recipients of health services, the increase of doctors specializing in general/family medicine and internal pathology and the creation of an effective system of personal physician performance indicators.

At the cutting edge of criticism is the prediction that the pool of doctors who will become personal doctors include rural doctors. The Minister of Health, responding to the opposition parties, said that this provision is a necessary solution in the absence of general practitioners/pathologists. The lack of general doctors/pathologists, as he also said, led the ministry to the decision to provide incentives for young doctors to follow this specialty. “We have a problem of too few general practitioners compared to the European average. We need pathologists. We are incentivizing the specialty of general practitioners. We subsidize for the specialty we lack,” said Mr. Georgiadis.

The minister also described the provision for the creation of University Health Centers as very important. “This is also a great reform. The only real way, in order to one day have a lower flow in the hospitals, is for the citizens to trust the Health Centers. I really believe that the University Health Centers will build a new relationship of trust and image with the world, they will create the right environment, so that we can slowly see a reduction in ambulatory patients in the emergency rooms of hospitals and then we will have progressed to more reasonable waiting times , in relation to the ones we have today”, said Adonis Georgiadis and congratulated the Deputy Minister of Health, Irini Agapidakis, for the institutionalization of the University Health Centers.

Ms. Agapidaki explained that the bill does not change the limit of 2,000 patients that a personal doctor can have, nor is one forced to resort to a private doctor to have a personal doctor. “We are opening the new positions, with the mandatory personal doctors, and after the population is covered and everyone has the option of choosing a public doctor, then the private option will be opened. That is, every citizen will have their personal doctor free of charge. If he doesn’t want it, then he can go and pay for the private doctor he wants himself, at his own expense. We are not forcing any citizen to go to the private sector,” said Ms. Agapidaki. He also emphasized that doctors, whether they are qualified general practitioners or medical school graduates, will be trained in the duties of a personal physician.

The reservation expressed by PASOK, on ​​the principle of the bill, caused the reaction of the Minister of Health.

“If you don’t vote for this bill as well, the “green SYRIZA” that they pulled out of you is hair. You are pure SYRIZA,” said Mr. Georgiadis and called on PASOK to “get serious” and counter-propose solutions for the shortage of pathologists. Earlier, the bodies that had been invited to present their views on the new provisions were placed on the bill.

The bill includes many positive points, said Anastasios Samouilidis, who represented the Hellenic Patients’ Union. The Personal Doctor, said Mr. Samouilidis, “is of crucial importance for the development of primary health care in our country and can contribute both to the protection of public health and to the relief of congestion in hospitals”. Necessary conditions for its success, however, he underlined, are the citizens’ easy and immediate access to the personal doctor, so that now every citizen has his doctor with whom he can develop trusting relationships. “It is an important step, but it is not enough. It is also necessary to develop a primary care network with concentric circles around the personal doctor that will include both specialist doctors and psychologists, physiotherapists, etc. for the holistic care of patients, if we want to talk about patient-centered care”, emphasized Mr. Samouilidis. At the same time, he emphasized that a way of communication and feedback should be instituted, between staff and attending physician, because a great burden for patients is, “going back and forth and trying” to get the doctors to communicate with each other.

Athanasios Exadaktylos, president of the Panhellenic Medical Association, characterized the inclusion of purely private doctors in the Personal Doctor System as very positive. He noted, however, that PIS cannot see the inclusion of Rural Doctors in the institution of Personal Physician, “as a fundamentally serious choice”. “How is it possible to give the citizens, a doctor who has just graduated from medicine, for the same tasks that doctors have, who have specialized for at least five years? I think this is the “Achilles heel” of the bill, it would be good if it was withdrawn”, said Mr. Hexadaktylos.

Panagiotis Papanikolaou, president of the Federation of Associations of Hospital Doctors of Greece – OENGE, expressed his opposition to the bill because, as he pointed out, the real goal is not to strengthen public primary health care but to create a “bureaucrat” doctor, a doctor which will be “a gatekeeper, a gatekeeper, a gatekeeper, who will prevent patients from accessing more specialized services, with the aim of reducing costs”. Mr. Papanikolaou described as a “recipe for failure”, the provision that “the duties and responsibilities of qualified doctors, that is, qualified general family medicine doctors, qualified special pathology doctors, specialized paediatrics doctors, unqualified doctors, specialist doctors and even duty doctors will be assigned countryside. That is, to new graduates, who have not even started their training in the specialty”.

Source Pigi Perdikakis of the Hellenic College of General Practitioners stated that 40 years have passed since the specialty of General Family Medicine was created without the family-personal doctor having worked. “This is what we expected as General Practitioners, when we did the specialty, 40 years ago, because this was promised to us by the state”, said Mrs. Perdikakis and emphasized that General Family Practitioners should be included in the announcements of positions as a matter of priority, given that they are those doctors who were trained and continue to be trained with a complete program of prevention, diagnosis, treatment.

Efstathios Skliros, President of the Hellenic Society for Research and Education in Primary Health Care, said that the bill is in the right direction, renewing and defining primary health care, with the important role of the Personal Doctor. Mr. Skliros referred to the provision for the personal physician’s assistance in updating the patient’s individual digital file, and suggested that the personal physician be supported in this project with the participation of public units in completing some information in the electronic file, because there will be a large volume of work. At the same time, he pointed out that the utilization of final year doctors, in the institution, creates inequalities for the recipients of health services.

Anargyros Mariolis, president of the Hellenic Academy of General Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, characterized as particularly important that with the bill, the personal doctor becomes a navigator in the health system. He also said that the expansion of the institution of the personal doctor from purely private individuals seems to be a one-way street. A prerequisite, as he said, is the removal of any obstacle to access to the services of a personal physician, both due to cost and for vulnerable groups of the population.

Athanasios Symeonidis, CEO of the Society of General Family Medicine of Greece “Ippokrates” stated that the strengthening of the institution of the personal doctor must always be aimed at the universal coverage of the needs of the population. Among the “strong” points of the draft law, he included the expansion of the categories of doctors who provide personal physician services, with the participation of purely private doctors, as well as the financial incentive provided by the bill with the aim of more young doctors choosing the specialties of the General Family Medicine and Pathology. Like Mr. Mariolis, Mr. Symeonidis also agreed with the establishment of an evaluation system for personal doctors.

The President of the School of Medicine of the University of Athens, Nikos Arkadopoulos, said that the bill moves in a positive direction, both in relation to the personal doctor and in relation to the University Health Centers. “The personal doctor is a necessary part of a modern health system, it is the core of the development of primary health care and as it is presented in the draft law it is in the right direction. His presence is absolutely necessary,” said Mr. Arkadopoulos. Referring to the University Health Centers provided for by the draft law, Mr. Arkadopoulos said that they will not only give prestige to the institution of Health Centers, but will also contribute the most to the training of doctors, students, and the implementation of prevention programs. In this sense, he underlined, it is important to connect the University Health Centers with the University Laboratories whose object is prevention and public health. At the same time, he requested in the bill, “to be more clear” that the students of the medical schools will participate in the University Health Centers, in the context of their clinical practice.

On behalf of ESAmeA, Mr. Vassilios Dimos requested that, for those chronically suffering from thalassemia, sickle cell disease, monitored by dialysis facilities, etc., their attending physician should also have the role of personal physician. He also asked the EODY Board of Directors to have a representative of ESAMeA and chronic diseases also participate.

Antonis Kontos, on behalf of the Panhellenic Federation of Freelance Pediatricians, proposed an increase in the age limit for follow-up by the personal pediatrician to the age of 18, instead of the 16 provided for today.


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#Accepted #majority #personal #doctor #University #Health #Centers #Georgiadis #big #step
It looks ⁢like you have a script setup that manages various ad systems⁢ and integrations on a webpage. Here’s a‍ breakdown of the content, along with some suggestions for‌ improving ‍clarity and ⁤structure.

### Overview of the Current Script

1. **AdSense Handling**:

‌ – The script is removing Adsense elements meant for mobile viewing and checking the count of available Adsense slots.

2. **Adman**:

– It prepares to queue ⁣an ‍Ad unit for Phaistos ⁤Adman but the⁤ script snippets⁢ for this and⁤ others seem incomplete.

3. **OneSignal**:

⁤ – Initializes OneSignal for push notifications.

4.​ **Disqus**:

– Sets up the Disqus commenting system, but the‌ URL for the page needs to be specified.

5. **Async Script‍ Loading**:

– The script attempts to load various scripts asynchronously, but many of ⁢the `asyncLoadScript` calls ‍are⁢ incomplete or commented out.

6. **CleverCore**:

– Contains commented-out code related to CleverCore which ‌looks like an external script loader.

7. **Other Ad Networks**:

– Placeholders for other ad systems like Taboola, Google AdSense,⁤ Glomex, Dalecta, and Vidoomy.

### Suggestions for ⁢Improvement

– **Complete the Scripts**: Ensure all `asyncLoadScript` and similar method calls contain valid URLs or necessary data, as currently, many are incomplete.

– **Comments and‍ Documentation**: Add comments to explain the ‌purpose of each section for better maintainability.

– **Error Handling**: Consider adding error handling for script loading operations to ensure that if a script fails ​to load, the rest of the‍ page continues to function.

– **Consistency**: Maintain a consistent pattern⁢ when dealing with async script loading to avoid confusion.

– **Variable Declarations**: Use `let` or `const` for variable declarations instead of `var` to adhere to modern JavaScript practices.

### Example of a Structured and Clean Section

Here’s an example of⁤ how you can structure the ⁢OneSignal section more​ clearly:


// OneSignal ⁣Initialization

window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

​ ‍ // additional OneSignal options ‍can be‍ added ​here




### Final Note

If you’re ⁤developing this script, ensure‌ that all parts of the code are properly encapsulated and that any placeholders are replaced with functional code. Testing in various environments ⁣(like priority for mobile vs desktop) will also help to verify the effectiveness of the implemented ad systems.

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