“Academic Calendar Changes for Compulsory Education in Belgium: Spring/Easter and Carnival Holidays”

2023-05-17 15:58:55

The staff members of these establishments will thus have a week off during the second week of the relaxation leave (Carnival) provided for in compulsory education.

The same will apply during the first week of spring break (Easter).

This modification does not concern universities which are autonomous in the organization of leaves and suspensions of learning activities.

However, these calendar changes will only apply for the year.

The research and higher education academy (ARES) is currently in full reflection on a new organization of the academic calendar, in particular to better stick to that currently applied in compulsory education. A solution is expected in the coming months.

Since the last school year, new rhythms have been applied in the basic and secondary schools of the FWB in order to alternate 7 weeks of lessons with 2 weeks of vacation.

This reform had the effect of shifting the holiday calendar with that applied in higher education. Consequence: many higher education teachers did not have all their holidays this year at the same time as their children still in school.

#nonuniversity #superior #weeks #holidays #common #compulsory

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