About 15% of the masks left to the students at the graduation ceremony at the metropolitan high school were removed “It was different from the high school life I had imagined, but …”: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

Graduation ceremony at Tokyo Metropolitan Hakuoh High School where students can choose to wear masks in Taito Ward, Tokyo, on April 4 (photographed by Masao Uchiyamada)

Of the 186 Tokyo metropolitan high schools, 45 held graduation ceremonies on the 4th. The graduates entered the school in April 2020, immediately following the spread of the new coronavirus, and were forced to live an inconvenient high school life. Shirao High School in Tokyo’s Taito Ward also held a graduation ceremony on the same day.

Regarding the wearing of masks at graduation ceremonies, the Tokyo Metropolitan Education Office has asked students and teachers to make their own decisions, and has asked parents to wear them. According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Education Agency, the graduates who heard them before the ceremony explained why they were wearing masks, such as, “I’m worried regarding getting infected because I’m going to take an exam following the ceremony,” and “It’s embarrassing to take them off.”

Many school events were canceled for the graduates this time due to the corona disaster, and they continued to stay at home and attend school. Akiko Miyata, the principal of Hakuo High School, said at the graduation ceremony, “Three years of hardships have forced us to endure various things, but this year we were able to carry out our first school trip following the corona disaster, and I was happy to see everyone’s smiles.” At the ceremony, the national anthem and school song were not sung, and a CD with songs was played.

Alumni Yugo Aoki (18) gave a speech in response, saying, “I felt that everyday life is so precious. Although it was different from what I had imagined in high school, I was able to spend a happy time thanks to everyone (students). Thank you. (Koichi Mori)



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