Abortion: Greens for protection zones around clinics

There is a need for a “clear legal deterrent” – following an international model – to protect women and their families from harassment by anti-abortion activists, said women’s spokeswoman Meri Disoski on Saturday on Ö1 radio.

“Psychological violence against women”

“We know the problem of harassment and terrorizing women who are unintentionally pregnant, and also their family members who accompany them when they go to counseling centers or clinics. There are some really militant anti-abortion activists who hand them plastic embryos covered in fake blood, who insult them, who say ‘you child murderer’ and the like,” said the MP. “This is simply a form of psychological violence against women that must be stopped,” because such an approach would put incredible pressure on women.

The Greens’ proposal therefore envisages – following the German model – that the first step is to expel people. “And if these protection zones are repeatedly violated, then there should be the possibility of imposing penalties, which then also include a fine.”


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