Abolish regional economic, social and environmental councils

2023-06-22 22:00:00

I. – The general code of local authorities is thus amended:

1° Articles L. 3442-1, L. 4131-3, L. 4312-7, L. 72-103-1, L. 71-113-2, L. 7121-2 and L. 7221-2 are repealed;

2° 3° of Article L. 3511-2 is repealed;

3° In article L. 4131-2, the first occurrence of the sign: “,” is replaced by the word: “and” and, following the second occurrence of the word: “deliberation”, the end is deleted;

4° Article L. 4132-18 is amended as follows:

a) The second paragraph is deleted;

b) In the third paragraph, the words: “and projects referred to in the two preceding paragraphs” are replaced by the words: “mentioned in the first paragraph”;

5° At the beginning of 2° of II of Article L. 4251-5, the words: “The regional economic, social and environmental council as well as” are deleted;

6° At the end of 1° of I of Article L. 4251-6, the words: “as well as to the regional economic, social and environmental council” are deleted;

7° In the second paragraph of Article L. 4433-4-10, the words: “, a representative of the regional economic, social and environmental council” are deleted;

8° After the word: “industrial”, the end of the first sentence of article L. 4433-19 is deleted;

9° After the word: “territorial”, the end of article L. 4433-22 is deleted;

10° After the word: “Corsica”, the end of the first sentence of the second paragraph of Article L. 5621-1 is deleted;

11° The 5° and 6° of Articles L. 7111-4 and L. 7211-4 are repealed;

12° The fourth part is amended as follows:

a) Chapter IV of Title III of Book I is repealed;

b) Title IV of Book II is repealed;

c) Book IV is amended as follows:

– Section 4 of Chapter II of Title II is repealed;

– Section 2 of Chapters II and III of Title III is repealed;

13° Chapter IV of Title II of Book I and Chapter VI of Title II of Book II of Part Seven are repealed;

14° Article L. 4424-1 is amended as follows:

a) In the first paragraph, the words: “following consultation with the economic, social, environmental and cultural council of Corsica and” are deleted;

b) In the first sentence of the fifth paragraph, the words: “consulted the economic, social, environmental and cultural council of Corsica and” are deleted;

15° In the first sentence of the second paragraph of Article L. 4424-3, the words: “and following consulting the economic, social, environmental and cultural council of Corsica” are deleted;

16° In the first paragraph of article L. 4424-5, the words: “which obtains the opinion of the economic, social, environmental and cultural council of Corsica,” are deleted;

17° In the third paragraph of article L. 4424-34, the words: “consultation of the economic, social, environmental and cultural council of Corsica and” are deleted;

18° In the last paragraph of article L. 4424-37, the words: “and the economic, social, environmental and cultural council of Corsica” are deleted;

19° In Article L. 4436-6, the words: “the regional economic, social and environmental council or” are deleted;

20° In article L. 7121-1, the words: “of the economic, social, environmental, cultural and education council of French Guiana and” are deleted;

21° Article L. 7122-20 is amended as follows:

a) The second paragraph is deleted;

b) In the third paragraph, the words: “and projects” are deleted and the words: “in the first two paragraphs” are replaced by the words: “in the first paragraph”;

22° In the second paragraph of Article L. 7154-1, the words: “a representative of the economic, social, environmental, cultural and education council of French Guiana,” are deleted;

23° In article L. 7221-1, the words: “, assisted by the economic, social, environmental, cultural and education council of Martinique” are deleted;

24° After the reference: “L. 7225-3”, the end of the first paragraph of article L. 7222-21 is deleted;

25° The last paragraph of article L. 7225-3 is deleted;

26° In the second paragraph of Article L. 7254-1, the words: “a representative of the economic, social, environmental, cultural and education council of Martinique,” ​​are deleted;

27° After the word: “elected”, the end of the first paragraph of article L. 7324-3 is deleted.

II. – The environment code is modified as follows:

1° In the second paragraph of Article L. 133-3, the words: “, to the regional economic, social and environmental councils” are deleted;

2° In I of Article L. 566-12, the words: “, regional economic, social and environmental councils” are deleted.

III. – The second sentence of the last paragraph of III of article L. 1 of the rural and maritime fishing code is deleted.

IV. – Section 5 of Article L. 6162-7 of the Public Health Code is repealed.

V. – The Town Planning Code is amended as follows:

1° At the beginning of 5° of Article L. 123-7, the words: “The regional economic, social and environmental council as well as” are deleted;

2° In 2° of article L. 123-22, the words: “, of the regional economic, social and environmental council” are deleted.

VI. – II of article 250 of law no. 2010-788 of July 12, 2010 on the national commitment to the environment is repealed.

VII. – Article 7 of Law No. 2012-1559 of December 31, 2012 relating to the creation of the Public Investment Bank is repealed.

VIII. – Article 29 of programming law no. 2017-256 of 28 February 2017 relating to real equality overseas and laying down other social and economic provisions is repealed.

IX. – Point 5 of Article 7-3 of Ordinance No. 2005-722 of June 29, 2005 relating to the Public Investment Bank is repealed.

#Abolish #regional #economic #social #environmental #councils



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