“abnormal heat” is coming. Summer ends with a bang –

Thunderstorms and cloudbursts have also hit violently in various areas of the Peninsula in the last few hours, but the situation of the weather forecast is set to change rapidly, once again. To provide the weather forecast for the next few days he is the colonel Mario Giuliacciaccording to which we are expecting a period characterized by high pressure and stability. In short, “fewer clouds” and “storm activity that will quickly die down”, while “a abnormal heat which will reach its peak over the weekend”, explains the meteorologist.

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Going towards Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September temperatures will rise, explains the expert on the site MeteoGiuliacci. The weekend will therefore be sunny, “with just a little cloudiness in the North in the second part of Sunday”, when thunderstorms in the Alps are not excluded. As previously mentioned, Giuliacci speaks of “anomalous heat”: what should we expect? The values ​​will be over 30 degrees over almost the entire peninsula, with peaks of 36-37 degrees. Temperatures from the end of July, observes the meteorologist, as if we were a month late at this end of the year.estate 2024which never ceases to bring us meteorological surprises.

#abnormal #heat #coming #Summer #ends #bang #Tempo
2024-08-29 20:40:13



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