Abnormal frosts in the Tyumen region, acts in schools in the Tyumen region | 72.ru

Tyumen residents are indignant that acts are not provided for adults. Despite the cold, everyone had to go to work. One of the residents of Tyumen even spoke in favor of remote work to save resources and environmental friendliness.

– We live in Siberia, every year the same thing, why be surprised? Auto start the car, check the battery before the season, have starter wires, dress in layers. I sympathize with those without transport. In the city, in addition to the cold, there is another problem: it smells terribly of exhaust fumes. These emissions are huge damage to the environment. Three-quarters of the office plankton, in a good way, should be sent remotely. And students too. Huge energy resources are spent on transportation. People freeze at stops, pay for a taxi a significant part of their earnings for their working day. Why, for what purpose? Optimization is needed, the city dweller believes.



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