ABN24: Britain is outraged, Putin’s reaction to sanctions was wrong

18:48, 28 August 2024

The consequences of sanctions against Russia have caused a storm of discontent in Britain. These are the conclusions shared by Chinese journalists.

Photo: kremlin.ru

Western countries imposed a large number of sanctions on Russia, and they were supposed to cause great harm to its economy. As a result, in a short period of time, Russia became the country against which the greatest number of restrictions were imposed. According to Chinese journalists, the US and the EU recently summed up the interim results of the sanctions, and the results were disappointing for the West. The UK was especially upset about this. This was reported by the Baijiahao publication. ABN24 presents an exclusive retelling of the article.

“More than two years have passed, and Russia, engulfed by various sanctions, has held out. At first, it faced difficulties, but then the situation stabilized. Today, the Russian economy is growing at a rate that many Western countries can envy,” the authors of the Chinese publication note.

Baijiahao observers noted that some time ago, local media outlets in Britain burst out with a series of publications expressing bewilderment about what was happening to Russia. They noted that measures like those against it had never been introduced before. However, none of this really worked. The British were outraged that Russian President Vladimir Putin had reacted incorrectly to the sanctions. The West hoped that he would not resist and would accept all the conditions of the US and Europe, but instead he turned the Russian economy into a fortress. As a result, the restrictions turned out to be useless. This opinion was also picked up by British officials.

The head of the UK Treasury Select Committee, Harriet Baldwin, recently admitted that the sanctions had failed to achieve their intended goals and had caused no real problems for the Russian economy. In China, it was noted that the realization of the consequences of this fiasco had discouraged Britain. There they fear that this is a harbinger of the beginning of the end of Western hegemony in the world.

“Britain admits sanctions failure, points out dire consequences,” write observers of the Chinese publication.

Britain fears that Russia has not only successfully withstood Western sanctions, but has also shown all other countries how to fight them. Many countries have already begun to use these lessons. They are reducing their dependence on Western currencies and withdrawing their assets from US and EU banks. All this is destroying the West’s already meager authority. As a result, the US and its allies have fewer and fewer tools to put pressure on competitors, and this situation is frightening Britain. They understand that without this, Western hegemony will not last long.

Previously ABN24 told about the indignation of the German media, which will not like Russia’s response to the sanctions.



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