Abdulaziz Jassim.. you have philosophy | Gulf newspaper

Joseph Apollos

In this corner, we celebrate a group of our most prominent creators who provided aesthetic and entertaining literary touches, enriched the conscience, raised the taste of readers, gave us food that expressed the achievements of the homeland, the transformations of society and human concerns. Which guide us in the paths of life.

In the opening of his poetry collection published in Beirut in 1995, Abdul Aziz Jassem chose to quote from the German philosopher Walter Benjamin his philosophical sentence, “At the very least, no one has control over a dead man.” The first poetic?.. He chose the title “I don’t need it.” Here, I would like to write a sentence as if it were an objectionable sentence in parentheses when we talk regarding the name and the title of the poetic group, i.e. a poetic group. The group fits the title, not the name.. We say: “The title of the poetic group,” and we do not say the name of the poetic group, because the name has the same connotation that does not accept any interpretation.

Your name is your name on your passport, identity card and birth certificate, but your address may change. Your address may or may not indicate you. In the case of the address, you are a multiple, ambiguous object, and subject to interpretation. In the case of a name, you are one. Your name and the name of your father and grandfather is a single family name that cannot be vetoed or changed, and you may be able to change your address and place of residence every year. More than once, but for the rest of your life, your name will not change even once, and if you change it once, it is the last time.

I don’t need

So, Jassem chose the title and did not choose the name.. He chose “I don’t need it”, but the paradox here is that all that is necessary for him is necessary as a poet, human and lover, in complete contrast to the title of his group, which is similar to the address of his home, if it is superfluous there. , it is necessary here, it is necessary to the poem of this poet, who was told that he was born in a boat that his family was taking on their way to Bahrain. Salt: “The sea is unknown and known.”

lattice cruelty

For something here, I return to Abdul Aziz’s quote from Benjamin, who used to combine philosophy and mysticism, “..no one has control over a dead man.” And once more, I find here some irony. . His poetry is the poetry of emancipation and freedom. He has a group entitled “Open your coffin and fly.” It is a miraculous exception that only Abdul Aziz Jassem, who consists of more than one person, is multiple in one, and if he walks on a path, he goes to more than one address. . As if there is no single place for his poem, and actually not in theory, there is no single place for his poem, but the placenta of this poem is attached to Ras al-Khaimah.

first place

From an anatomical point of view, if you want to say, in what is far and away in his poem, there is always something that is originally in its first place. Julfar with its historical, mythological, narrative, and aesthetic dimension, and Ras al-Khaimah with its social and cultural dimension, where from Ras al-Khaimah or where the awareness and youth of Abdul Aziz blossom on a group of friends, all of whom are from the writing family: Muhammad Youssef, Jumaa Al-Fayrouz, Thani Al-Suwaidi, Ali Abu Al-Rish, Abdullah Abd al-Rahman, Ahmad al-Asam, Abdullah al-Sabil, Abdullah al-Hediyya, and many popular musicians, singers, playwrights, and before that, the space of the sea and sailors. The space of diving, and palm trees, and Sidr trees, and the heat, and nights haunted by tales of elves, magic and mystery, as if magical realism… the term that Marquez critics spoke of, had come from Ras al-Khaimah, not from Colombia.


Jassim began as a storyteller in the early eighties of the twentieth century, starting with his studies at the UAE University and his class at the time: Khaled Al-Badour, Khaled Al-Rashed, Ahmed Rashid Thani, Adel Khuzam, and Ali Al-Andal.. He established himself culturally with many readings, foremost of which is philosophy, and this story of philosophy is a story Long, and perhaps the story of philosophy is the story of Abdul Aziz Jassim himself, he specified his residential address near the great philosophers and thinkers of the world who are preoccupied with the question of life, existence, reason, love, death, alienation, exile, Sufism, and the neglected history of man such as the history of the heart, but from an intellectual philosophical angle that is rooted in poetry. .

I do not really know whether Abdul Aziz Jassim read the universal heritage in Eastern, Western, innate, theological and Hermetic philosophy, and other seismic titles in thought. Then I rotate the question with another interrogative formation: Did Abdul Aziz Jassim read philosophy out of poetry, or did he read poetry out of philosophy? Then what is the esoteric laboratory that the author of “The Trace of Words and Calling” works on while he kneads philosophy with poetry, or kneads poetry with philosophy, and who else alone has the key to this laboratory.

speech cane

If you read Abdul Aziz Jassim, and you have not read Philosophy, you will not find his address or residence; Rather, no one will guide you to it, and if Abu Yazid Al-Bastami spent 20 years seeking Abi Yazid Al-Bastami and did not find him, Abdul Aziz Jassem spent years of his life seeking a very complete woman named Philosophy, but he found her, and finally, he sat in the confines of her reed room. Speech made him flutter, and his tear did not fall except for a difficult matter that shook his heart or shook that silky emotional chord in his creative self.

But I keep on maintaining the graph of this pen image. I remind you that Abdul Aziz Jassem moved quickly from the short story to poetry, and from the gateway to poetry he went into complex readings, some of them if not most of them are not easy. . He digests what he reads, and preserves the sap, the idea and the essence, and in his beautiful debates and dialogues on all nights and in all cities, all that sap, and all those thoughts that he squeezed out of books in his brain, appear brightly, with great transparency and clarity, and all those ideas that he squeezed out of books in his brain, to tell you following a long night of arguing: Where are you going If you don’t know the way, you don’t know the house.

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