Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s last call to war

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune spoke regarding the situation between Algeria and Morocco in a lunar interview with a foreign channel. Speaking of the kingdom, the Algerian head of state said that relations between the two countries have reached a point of no return.

In an interview granted to an Algerian journalist, Abdelmadjid Tebboune returned to his country’s foreign relations and naturally spoke of its neighbor, Morocco.

Relations with Morocco have reached a point of no return, the Algerian president says, adding that his country’s position is only a “reaction”, implying that it would be Morocco who would have it provoked.

If it is commonly unthinkable to see a country daring to speak of a situation of “no return” with another country, it is even more unimaginable to hear this when it comes to two neighboring countries, geographically glued to each other the other.

What should be understood from his declaration is that Algeria is in a position of war and that it wants to start it. Since the announcement of the unilateral severance of diplomatic relations with Morocco, several countries have attempted mediation such as Saudi Arabia, and even the Arab League. All these initiatives were rejected outright by Algiers, clearly not wanting to settle its dispute with Rabat.

The colossal military budget adopted for 2023 is the ultimate proof of this belligerent intention when Algeria is, basically, alongside Egypt, the most armed country in Africa.

Since 2021, Algeria’s declarations of war on Morocco have multiplied: rupture of diplomatic relations, order to suspend commercial relations for private operators, closure of the GME gas pipeline, uninhibited verbal attacks by Algerian officials. , various unfounded accusations such as the fires in Kabylia, military exercises at the borders…

Each time pushing the plug further to provoke a reaction from Morocco, Algeria continues in its attacks at different levels, going so far as to affect them at the sporting level.

On the other side of the borders, in Morocco, we observe in silence this resurgence of tensions and warlike language, accompanied by palpable measures of institutionalized hatred towards the kingdom.

International observers and the international community are witnesses to this Algerian military strategy which attacks Morocco without any reason, while trying to position itself as the victim. The situation seems to be a fiction so much Algeria is the aggressor and thinks to believe that it is the attacked.

The only reproach that Algeria addresses to Morocco is the restoration of its relations with the State of Israel, considering that Morocco has “brought back the Zionist entity to its doors” as underlined by officials and specialists. Algerians. Except that Algeria reproaches Morocco, Algeria has been doing it for ages with Russia, moreover, each country is entitled to create military alliances with the countries it wishes without involving another State. . These are sovereign decisions and there is no accountability to anyone for them.

Moreover, Algeria adopts an astonishing position of nonsense and contradictions by condemning Morocco for having formalized its diplomatic relations with Israel while it does not dare to do the same with other Arab and Muslim countries, led by Egypt and Jordan, which have normalized their relations with Tel Aviv for many years.

In the same vein, Algeria has not commented or condemned other Arab countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, or even Qatar and Bahrain for having normalized with Israel. It only attacks Morocco. Surprising too, especially since several other countries have relations with Israel without admitting it publicly. Morocco did not hide them and had the courage and honesty to declare them.

The Algerian president refrained from explaining the reasons which push his country to adopt such a hostile position in Morocco, and what were the actions carried out by Rabat which generated such reactions on the part of Algeria. He also avoided explaining why Algeria refuses mediation and why it did not try to contact the Moroccan authorities to explain the disputes between the two countries before going towards the rupture of diplomatic relations. and this one-way escalation.

It is a comical situation at all levels and the version of Algeria which claims that it is only “reacting” does not hold water, since Algiers has systematically refused all the hands extended by King Mohammed VI in his speeches, all the words of fraternity and goodwill expressed on many occasions.

Morocco has in fact invited Algeria more than once to sit around a table to discuss the points that are poisoning relations in an attempt to correct them, without there being any reaction from Algerian authorities.

In this context, it seems very difficult to believe that the problem would come from Morocco but that in reality Algeria adopts a warrior logic and voluntarily seeks to provoke the first skirmishes between the two countries to take the role of the victim later.



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