Abdel Halim Hafez owned Ford and Hind Rostom bought Peugeot.. Here are the types of cars of the golden age celebrities

Celebrities and artists usually go with a luxurious lifestyle, owning homes, mansions, luxury cars, and jewellery.
This applies to the celebrities of the golden age as well, and sometimes reaches the point of obsession and racing to own luxury and expensive cars.
Here is a list of the most prominent star cars, their models and colors:

Abdel Halim Hafez

The Egyptian artist Abdel Halim Hafez was one of the artists who was fond of owning luxurious and distinctive cars.
In his lifetime, he acquired a 1956 Ford Thunderbird, red in color.
He also owned a Cadillac convertible, of an elegant dark red color, and appeared in the movie “Love Story”.


The late Egyptian actor Rushdi Abaza was known for his strong love for acquiring luxury cars as a front for him.
In his lifetime, he owned a Cadillac Model 60, and appeared in his movie “The Thirteen Wife” with the Egyptian artist Shadia.



Rushdi Abaza also owned a very old Jaguar car, dating back to 1963, and one of Rushdi Abaza’s heirs owned it after him, and he offered it for sale at an amount of 160,000 pounds, equivalent to 8 thousand dollars, but he did not find a buyer until right Now.
He also bought a Mercedes, but he did not know its color and he was the first celebrity who acquired this brand, to come after the Egyptian actor.Ismail Yassin​.

The Egyptian actress Hind Rostom was considered one of the most prominent faces of her time, who was used in the most important advertisements.
The Peugeot advertisement is one of the most prominent advertisements that Hind Rostom made in her life, and she bought the same car in blue and from the 50 model, and it became one of the most important cars at that time that was famous among the stars.

Farid al-Atrash

The Egyptian artist and musician Farid al-Atrash owned a yellow-green Citroen. Famous for the acquisition of kings and members of royal families this type of car only in that period.

Egyptian actor Hussein Sedky was known for his love of rare cars, so he owned one of the rarest cars, a Lincoln Continental model in 1948.
The price at that time was very high, but he insisted on buying it even though he did not have that much money.


The late international artist, Dalida, is one of the most prominent artistic faces known for her passion for acquiring convertible cars.

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