Abandoned by the System: Long COVID in Canada and the Search for Support

2023-10-28 18:41:47

The number of Canadians with long COVID is estimated at 1.4 million. Several of them say they have been abandoned by the system.

• Read also: False vaccination evidence: a former administrative assistant caught in the Laurentians

“It’s the worst condition you can’t have,” says a woman suffering from the disease interviewed by TVA Nouvelles.

Until recently, she could barely walk.

“You lose your job, you have difficulty working, you are tired all the time. The world thinks you have depression and doctors say it’s psychological,” she laments.

TVA News

She was diagnosed with long-term COVID after consulting several specialists, but claims to have not obtained medical follow-up afterwards.

It’s thanks to her that she can walk today. She had to take her own steps to find the necessary resources.

“These people are often desperate. When you had an excellent quality of life, you were very active, you worked normally and regularly and suddenly you found yourself stuck at home, unable to do anything and this has lasted for two years , it can be very difficult for patients,” says Dr. Alain Piché, microbiologist-infectious disease specialist and head of a COVID-19 post-disease center in Estrie.

TVA News

There are five reference centers and 15 specialized COVID-19 satellite clinics in Quebec.

Waiting list times can extend between 8 and 12 months.

#worst #condition #Canadians #long #COVID #desperate

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