Abandon the fear of internal examination! “Cervical cancer” better know before it can be treated | Hfocus.org, insight into the health system

Thai women suffer from cervical cancer, ranked fifth, do not dare to go for examination because they are embarrassed. fear of getting sick I believe that when examining the inside, it hurts, the doctor repeats! Cervical cancer is easier to prevent than to cure. Regular screening and vaccination once morest HPV

Although cervical cancer is ranked number 5, it is the most common cancer in Thai women. But the survey numbers revealed that Each year more than 9 thousand cases of cervical cancer are found and the death toll reaches more than 4 thousand according to the survey. Women’s Health APAC Survey which is a survey of understanding of women in the Asia-Pacific region. including Thailand To raise awareness, perspectives, and factors that influence decision-making on women’s health byRoche Diagnostics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. It can be seen that Thai people still do not pay attention to internal examination. And usually only get checked when there are signs of danger. which may be too late to be completely cured

The survey revealed that 61 percent of Thai women had a good understanding of cervical cancer, 39 percent had almost no knowledge, did not understand cervical cancer at all. Confidence in receiving treatment If sick with cervical cancer, there are up to 83 percent and Thai women are confident in accessing cervical cancer screening up to 66 percent, with cervical cancer caused by infection with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). A single relationship can be a risk of infection. There are 14 types of HPV that are at a high risk of developing cervical cancer. Women infected with HPV-16 and HPV-18 have a 35-fold higher risk of developing lesions than women in the general population.

Asst. Prof. Nattawut Kantawut, M.D. Obstetrician, Gynecologic Oncology Specialist Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Chulabhorn Hospital Chulabhorn Royal College Giving an interview on the issue of “Women’s Health in Thailand – What Can Be Done to Provide Better Care for Women to Achieve Elimination of Cervical Cancer: Looking Back to Find a Way Conquer the mission to eliminate cervical cancer in Thailand ”on February 24th that early cervical cancer There will be no symptoms at all. therefore, should not wait for symptoms to appear before coming for examination But cervical cancer screening should be done at the age of 25 for people who have sex. But if you’ve never had sex at all The appropriate age range is 30 years or counted following 3-5 years following having sex for the first time. Because there will be a stage where the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus) is infected and may develop into cancer for regarding 5-10 years. Cervical cancer will know the origin of the disease more clearly than some types of cancer. Easier to detect and if abnormal symptoms are found, should see a doctor immediately

“The reason why Thai women dare not come for cervical cancer screening is the belief that if they are older generations, they will feel embarrassed. afraid to find I myself have cervical cancer. Some people are afraid of treatment. The new generation may feel daring to come and find out soon enough to receive treatment. Therefore, I would like to see that The internal examination is as normal as the annual physical examination. Especially women who have sex should come to check. For danger signals can be detected in many distances. Since the discovery of HPV, abnormal cells were detected. In which cervical cancer in the pre-cancerous stage is asymptomatic. But when the cervical lesion occurs or form a lump Abnormal vaginal bleeding is found. Bleeding following sex due to a lump non-menstrual bleeding or have already had postmenopausal bleeding If an internal examination reveals a lump, it is clearly cancerous. I don’t want to meet at this stage. I don’t want to wait until the symptoms occur first.” Prof. Dr. Nuttawut said

The belief that The internal examination is very painful. Especially women who have never had sex before. Asst.Prof.Dr. Nattawut Emphasize that the internal examination is done using a vaginal speculum or forceps (Vaginal Speculum), which come in various sizes. The doctor will select the appropriate size. If you have never had sex, use the smaller size. There was almost no pain at the time of examination. For cervical cancer screening, there will be a PAP Smear examination every 1-2 years, which will check for abnormalities of the cells in the cervix. The detection sensitivity is 53 percent. HPV DNA Test is checked every 5 years to detect the genetic material of the virus. 92% Detection Sensitivity The HPV DNA test also includes HPV Self-sampling, with up to 80% accuracy, just like a medical examination.

“Cervical cancer is caused by HPV that is transmitted sexually. Examples of disease prevention include safe sex. having a single partner having sex at the right age but would like to focus more on screening and vaccination Survey results in foreign countries that have been vaccinated for many years, the number of patients has decreased significantly. Currently, there are 3 types of cancer treatment: surgery in the early stages. Radiation in stage 2-3 and chemotherapy (chemo) supportive symptoms in stage 4 in cases where it has spread to other organs. Asst.Prof.Dr. Nattawut say more

Asst.Prof.Dr. Nattawut Concluding that The mission to eradicate cervical cancer is a global mission. It must be reduced to a rare cancer in the end, with 3 main tasks consisting of 1. Educate both knowledge regarding cervical cancer and knowledge of the HPV virus, the main cause of cervical cancer. 2. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination, which is currently offered free of charge in girls in Grade 5 and 3. HPV screening Thailand is moving away from Pap smear testing. It is an HPV DNA Test and also has HPV Self-sampling. Cervical cancer screening by self-collecting specimens For those who are inconvenient to check inside If all 3 missions are successful, it is believed that cervical cancer will be rare in the future. Therefore, I would like to reiterate that Cervical cancer is easier to prevent than to cure.

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