Aas­ta tu­ris­miob­jek­ti tii­tel on suu­ren­da­nud hu­vi Ani­ja mõi­sa vas­tu

Es­mas­päe­val fil­mi­ti Ani­jal mõi­sa vir­tuaal­tuu­ri. Gii­di rol­lis on näit­le­ja ES­TER KUN­TU.

“We have had visitors who have said that they came to see the best tourist attraction of the year,” says Ülle Daut, CEO of Anija Manor.

Anija Manor was announced as Estonia’s 2022 tourist attraction at the tourism fair held two months ago. The peak season of tourism has not started yet, therefore, according to the CEO, it is only becoming clear how much more visitors the title will bring to Anija Manor this year than before. He is full of hope and believes that the recognition of the Association of Estonian Tourism and Travel Companies gave Anija Manor very good publicity. In March, CEO Haapsallu was invited to a training session organized by EAS to speak regarding hospitable service.

The local people and others who have already visited Anija manor will be attracted back there with the soon-to-be completed addition to the permanent exhibition. This is done by OÜ Pult, which has also created the original permanent exhibition of the manor house. Funded by EAS, from which the foundation Anija Mõisa Haldus received a grant of 133,364 euros for the tourism sector last year to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. Currently, the mansion’s permanent exhibition is in Estonian and English, with Russian, German and Finnish languages ​​added.

The former home story room of the manor has received a completely new content. Instead, a furnished school room is open on the second floor, which introduces the history of the Anija school, which has been operating in the manor for decades.

From the modern solutions, you can explore the manor with an audio guide in the future. There will be a photo booth in the costume room, where you can take pictures of yourself in manor period costumes. A virtual tour introducing the rooms on the second floor of the manor is also in the works, which the visitor can view on a tablet. The virtual tour is primarily intended for people with disabilities who cannot access the second floor of the manor.

Read more regarding the virtual game for children and other updates in the April 5 Messenger.



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