$AAPL hits record one week after Vision Pro announcement

2023-06-12 22:39:59

The shares of Apple [$AAPL] broke a new NASDAQ record today, closing the day worth no less than US$183,79 — value that puts it closer and closer to recovering its market value of US$ 3 trillion, quickly reached in 2022.

Having seen the value of its shares plummet over the course of last year, the company even broke a record at the opening of the stock exchange on the last day 5, the date of the opening keynote of WWDC23, but ended up losing this strength at the close.

Only a week later, however — and probably still reflecting what was seen at the Apple event, especially, of course, the much-anticipated Apple Vision Pro (the company’s AR/VR headset) — this scenario has been confirmed.

During WWDC, many doubts arose about Apple’s ability to once again redefine the concept of computing with the future product — especially given its somewhat salty price.

Now, however, is the time for more rational and thoughtful reviews, as well as positive rumors surrounding Apple’s future product — such as that the company will launch cheaper Apple Vision lines in the future.

If so
of Apple

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