A7: construction of new traffic situation Purmerend bridge; 4

From that moment on, ramps 4 and 5 towards Hoorn and Zaandam and exit 5 from Zaandam will be closed to traffic one by one. On Monday morning, April 8, 2024, all traffic will drive over one half of the bridge, so that the other half can be reinforced with steel. The half will be changed in June 2024.

It is expected that from September 1, 2024, all traffic will be able to cross the bridge smoothly and safely once more in the coming years.

Construction of new traffic situation A7

From Thursday evening, April 4, 2024, the new traffic situation on the bridge will be set up over 4 evenings and nights. Entrances and exits around the bridge will be closed and part of the A7 will be closed to through traffic every night.

For example, the A7 towards Hoorn will be closed on Friday evening, April 5, and the A7 in the direction of Zaandam will be closed on Saturday and Sunday evening. In this way, space is created for arranging the new traffic situation and the work site. Traffic is informed regarding the closures by signs along the highway and diverted on site.

From Monday morning, April 8, all traffic on the bridge will drive in both directions via 2 x 2 narrowed lanes with a limited speed of 70 km/h. The weight restriction will also be tightened from 30 tons to 25 tons. This additional restriction guarantees the structural safety of the bridge and the quality of the new concrete.

Approach to work A7

Work on the bridge will start on Monday morning, April 8, 2024, with the removal of the asphalt and guardrail. A total of 50,000 holes are then drilled to add reinforcing steel. Including approximately 7,500 precision drillings, of which almost 4,000 go straight through the bridge deck.

Ultimately, the bridge will be reinforced with more than 15 km of steel. Once the steel is installed, the concrete is repaired and the road is paved. Local residents in the immediate vicinity of the bridge may experience nuisance from the work in the form of noise, vibrations and dust.

In principle, no work is done in the evenings and weekends. If work is required in the evenings or on weekends, local residents will be informed.

To stay informed of progress, local residents and interested parties can use the Construction App by Dura Vermeer ‘Reinforcing the A7 Neckerstraat bridge’. The BouwApp can be found in the App Store.

Work from home or otherwise travel

We advise road users to work from home, travel together or travel differently between April and September 2024 if possible. For example, by using public transport or bicycle. This means that road users who really need to use the road can continue to use the limited passage on the bridge.

Road users who do have to use the road are advised to continue to use the A7, not to sneak around and to prepare their journey well.

Accessibility and cut-through traffic

In recent months, measures have been developed in close collaboration with municipalities, provinces, public transport companies, employers, the transport sector and safety regions to keep the region accessible and liveable.

To prevent cut-through traffic, various roads in the region are closed to through traffic during the morning and/or evening rush hour. Residents of the areas where these roads are located have received exemptions that allow them to get to and from their home upon presentation.

Via the website Exemption A7 Purmerend Additional exemptions can only be requested if really necessary.

Bridge near Purmerend

More information regarding activities A7

More information regarding the work and the nuisance can be found on the project page A7: reinforcement of the Purmerend bridge. In addition, every Tuesday between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. there is a walk-in consultation hour regarding the project in the Purmerend City Hall.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this work, please contact us.



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