A young progressive of Asian descent elected mayor of Boston

At 36, Michelle Wu won on Tuesday November 2 following leading a very left-wing campaign in the Massachusetts state capital. “His victory marks the triumph of a new Boston over the establishment”, salute The Boston Globe.

“It will be ‘Senior Wu’, and this is historic”, headlines Boston’s leading daily. “Michelle Wu, 36, the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants and mother of Boston public school children who ran an openly progressive campaign in a city that was known for its parochialism, won Boston City Hall with a big advance on Tuesday, ushering in a new era in one of the oldest bastions of white male political power in the United States,” writing The Boston Globe.

Michelle Wu won over Annissa Essaibi George, a Democrat councilor like her. “who ran a more moderate and traditional campaign”, according to The Boston Globe.

“Wu brought together supporters in progressive neighborhoods and voters of color,” specifies the newspaper, which adds:

His victory represents the triumph of a new Boston over theestablishment, and lends glowing support to his often irreverent style in a stilted municipal forum.”

She is the first female elected mayor of the city, the first non-white person and also “the youngest in almost a century”.

Among the measures that Michelle Wu campaigned on are “free public transport, a whole new approach to downtown amenities, rent control and a city-wide Green New Deal.”

In another municipal election held on Tuesday, November 2, former black Democratic police officer Eric Adams became mayor of New York, and will therefore succeed Bill de Blasio.


Founded in 1872 by six businessmen, the great New England newspaper, serious, informed, is also distinguished by its photographic reports and its sports column. On the verge of bankruptcy, the title was saved by Charles H.


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