A young man was found dead with rat bites

Found dead with rat bites! A 22-year-old young man was shot in the face and his body was found with rat bites. He appeared abandoned on the street. This incident occurred in the west of the Buenos Aires suburbs, Argentina.

Police are attempting to clarify the crime and have ruled out the possibility that the attackers acted with the aim of committing a robbery.

Judicial spokesmen revealed to cronica.com.ar that the victim was identified as Gabriel Alejandro Ayala. According to the informants, the incident was discovered in the morning hours of last Thursday.

When members of the Patrol Command received a report on the 911 emergency telephone number, which referred to a deceased person at the intersection of Antártida Argentina and Guillermo Marconi, near a bridge that crosses a stream in the neighborhood.

Upon arriving at the scene, the officers observed the body of this young man, who was lying face up and wearing a sports jacket.

Found dead with rat bites

Experts from the local branch of the Scientific Police, when summoned by the judicial authorities, examined the body and determined that it had a clear gunshot wound to the face and that it also had marks believed to be compatible with rodent bites.

A young man was found dead with rat bites

Research in progress

Public servants from the Seventh Central Police Station of that district are carrying out different procedures in the neighborhood with the objective of clarifying what happened and, in this regard, it was completely ruled out that the criminals had intended to assault the victim, since the sum of 26,000 pesos was seized among Ayala’s clothes.

Members of the Departmental Investigations Directorate (DDI) of the area collaborate in the proceedings.

The criminal case was handled by Dr. Claudio Gabriel Fornaro, the prosecutor on duty at the Homicide Thematic Functional Unit of the courts in the jurisdiction.

#young #man #dead #rat #bites
2024-09-02 08:19:09



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