A year without Virginia Martín, her husband shared an emotional message

On March 29, 2022, the journalist Virginia Martin He passed away after fighting a severe disease for several months. She was 46 years old and was married to the journalist Ariel Torres who today, one year after her death, remembered her with a emotional message on social networks.

“The day your heart stopped beating I was by your side and mine sped up. My legs trembled and I couldn’t fall into reality, I couldn’t accept it. I just thought that I wasn’t going to see you anymore, I imagined how difficult what my life was going to be from that moment (and boy was it). The day you left my life turned dark, my eyes began to shine non-stop, because those tears never went away. They always appeared on my face over and over again. The pain I felt is still intact, I carry it inside my soul, kept in a large glass box that sometimes breaks and I feel it again like the first day. The day you left you took the person that one day I was and became a totally different being. Much more fragile, but at the same time so strong… Because that’s how I must be, you are not going to let me fall, “wrote her husband.


Ariel, with whom he had two children, Matilde and Lautaro, added: “Incredible how time flies, I remember every moment as if it were yesterday and it’s been a year since you left. Anyway, I choose to remember you in another way: with that smile bright and radiant, with that strong but sensitive character at the same time, with your responsibility, your commitment at work, your desire to travel, your drive and above all your love, the one you gave us so much. we did, with what you gave us and that always makes me feel close to you. Thank you for so much Virginia! always in our thoughts, soul and heart.”

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