A work stoppage at the Royal Athenaeum of Ganshoren to denounce the loss of a deputy director

As for the cabinet of the new Minister of Education, Valérie Glatigny, the story is quite different. “The request to stop these contracts was made by the education administration. Quite simply because these practices are contrary to legal provisions. There are management and staff standards for each establishment. Exceed these standards via contracts given in addition, and alongside, as has been the case in recent years, is illegal. The regulatory basis does not provide for any possible derogation. It was therefore necessary to put an end to these situations. Moreover, we do not understand where the unions get the figure of 300 contracts since, according to our data, it is a total of 61.5 full-time equivalents (FTE) whose non-framework contract is stop.”

At the minister’s house, we say “understand that schools have become accustomed to these reinforcements over the years. But we must first respect the rules. If schools want reinforcements, they can use other solutions. Either make a request to the administration of WBE education which has additional unused periods, again this year, or, schools can hire staff with their own funds..

These are beautiful words. But if, on the ground, there is no one to do that, the words will fly away. There will be no concrete action

But on the union side, we are hitting the nail on the head again. “Without this second deputy director, management and monitoring risk being much more complicated at the Royal Athenaeum of Ganshoren”fears CGSP trade unionist Emmanuelle Gérard. “There will only be one deputy director to go to three locations which are distant from each other. Can you imagine? We are asking schools to avoid dropping out, to act as a relay between parents and the students. And then, finally, we realize who is going to do this? These are beautiful words. But if, on the ground, there is no one to do this, the words will fly away. “There will be no concrete action. It is once again on the heads of teachers that we are saving and, above all, on the heads of the students.”.

In the Brussels Region, in addition to the Royal Atheneum of Ganshoren, there is the Royal Atheneum of Koekelberg and the Victor Hugo Atheneum in Haren which would also each lose a position, via the end of these non-framework contracts.



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