A work of art visible only at night at the ASTROlab – Arts & culture – EstriePlus.com | Web News Journal | Sherbrooke

2023-08-23 11:51:04

Mont Mégantic’s ASTROLab inaugurates a luminescent southern sky and a new work of astronomical art with artist Ida Rivard.

A multidisciplinary and self-taught artist, who combines initially heterogeneous materials and which together form a coherent whole, such as humanity might be in its social relations and the astral immensity. Her creation was made using luminescent paint, an original medium whose possibilities she skilfully explored. In addition, on clear or overcast days, visitors to the ASTROLab can now discover on the ground of the observation area, in the evening, constellations such as the Southern Cross, the Toucan or the Crane, and famous stars such as Alpha Centaur and Canopus. There are even the two Magellanic clouds, these famous dwarf galaxies clearly visible to the naked eye!

The work having been carried out gradually over the summer, many young and old alike have already had the opportunity to marvel and exclaim enthusiastically “Wow, I’m walking in the stars!”. With its greater density of stars, the Southern Milky Way created by Ms. Rivard attracts attention, and creates a real experience when moving through it in the dark.

When the skies are clear, visitors can now enjoy a spectacle both looking up at the sky and looking down at their feet, all the while realizing a little better that we are all floating among the stars. For this artist it was in a way “a beautiful vertigo”: “This collaboration allowed me to study the constellations all around the planet; I hope that this new work invites us to put ourselves back in the infinitely small and, perhaps, to take better care of our Earth of multiple splendours.

Because if the Earth suddenly disappeared under our feet, what would we see? Stars of course! Hidden from the eyes of the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere, the southern sky conceals many treasures. To highlight it, and add a little magic to its new observation area, the ASTROLab is inaugurating a one-of-a-kind work of art, which becomes visible at night.

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