Nair Belén Digiglio (22) had separated from the father of her children regarding three months ago, but the boys continued to live with their father in his house in the town of san francisco solano. She, meanwhile, had moved in with her new partner a few meters away, but every day she went to her ex’s house and took care of the children because the man, a 26-year-old security employee, was going to work. at dawn. This Monday was found dead on that property and the private watchman was arrested.
According to sources linked to the case, infobae, the detainee contradicted himself in the versions he gave to the authorities and, later, he would have broken before the policemen. However, his statements are not valid if this Tuesday he does not endorse them before the prosecutor in the case martin countof the UFI No. 3 of Quilmes, when he investigates it, in principle, for the femicide of his ex
“There are no previous complaints of gender violencealthough, from testimonies of relatives, it is known that she would not have denounced him because she did not want him to lose his job, since he was the maintenance of the boys ”, detailed the sources consulted.
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The discovery of Nair’s body occurred this morning, at the home of his ex, located at 856 street at 1,300, in the Quilmes district, in the southern area of the Buenos Aires suburbs. It was a call from a neighbor who alerted 911.
When the police arrived at the scene, they found the body on the bed. In the next room, her children, both under the age of 5, were sleeping. They suspect that she was suffocatedalthough the result of the autopsy is still unknown.
According to the sources consulted, following the separation, Nair would have remade his life with a neighbor, he even lived with him a few meters from his ex’s house, while his children stayed with his father. Despite this, when the man left for work around 4, she would go and stay while her children slept.
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The truth is that it was Nair’s ex, now detained, who told a neighbor. According to the first version, she came home and he went to her workplace, but when he returned from her shortly following he found her dead.
“The young man said that he returned home because lost the combi and then also pointed out that they wanted to rob him”, explained the sources consulted. Apparently, it was later that he broke down before the authorities.
Due to these contradictions, prosecutor Conde ordered his arrest, but he will only investigate him tomorrow because he is awaiting the result of the autopsy.
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Meanwhile, the suspect had some injuries that might be compatible with signs of defense exercised by the victim. The experts also found a blood-stained scarf at the crime scene.
According to a source confided to the news agency telam“there is a camera that captured the arrival of the young woman at the house, but he is not seen leaving it.”
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