a woman is seriously injured – The Time

Fear on the beach in Alba Adriatica with a woman hospitalized in serious conditions after lightning struck a group of bathers. The events occurred at midday on Saturday 3 August in the town of Teramo, with the beach full of tourists. At least three bathers were involved, one of them seriously injured: she was loaded by the emergency helicopter to be transferred to the hospital in Teramo.

The lightning struck the shoreline, where the three women were walking, but not in the water where the consequences would probably have been worse. The most serious injury was a 42-year-old woman from Sant’Omero (Teramo), transported by helicopter to Teramo. Also affected were a 44-year-old woman from Giulianova, (Teramo) hospitalized in the local hospital, and a 64-year-old woman of French nationality, transported to Teramo, but both are out of danger.

“Lightning can cause damage to health directly, if the body is hit directly by the discharge, or indirectly, if it is hit by the return current in the ground. The most serious damage is that resulting from direct lightning, and in some cases can cause death. If, for example, the current passes through the heart it can cause cardiac arrest, while if it passes through the nervous or respiratory centers it can lead to death by respiratory arrest. Burns resulting from lightning can also cause death or serious injuries”, warns the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in a focus on the subject. “Less serious damage can include: paralysis, amnesia and loss of consciousness for periods ranging from a few minutes to several hours. The flash of lightning (the flash) can then cause vision problems, and the shock wave damages hearing”, explains the ISS.

#woman #injured #Time
2024-08-07 20:24:58



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