A woman is accused of witchcraft

A woman is accused of witchcraft

More specifically, the woman advertised with videos her activity on the Internet, promising that she could make a younger man fall in love with an older woman, or prevent the “evil” that had struck the husband of a woman who had asked for her help.

The defendant appealed to the Supreme Court seeking leave to issue a Writ of Certiorari to quash the search warrant executed on her warehouse which she had converted into a temple of the “Goddess of Death” – “Santa Muerte” who is worshiped in her statement in Mexico.

The unprecedented case of the woman who believes in the “Goddess of Death” and is accused of performing witchcraft for pay has occupied the courts. The decision was even referred to the Supreme Court.

The following were found and confiscated in the defendant’s warehouse:

1. Three fox bones.
2. Two fox bones on a metal tray with a mirror base in which was a box with 78 tarot cards, coins, etc.
3. Container in which was a skeleton of a snake’s head, a snake’s skin, and a pinecone.
4. A glass skull with snakes.
5. Transparent bags inside which were hairs with names of persons.
6. Ram skull with horns.
7. A pipe with skulls and crows.
8. A gray dragon pipe.
9. A black plastic dragon with wings.
10. Witch hat.
11. Black cape.
12. Gray-dragon plastic mask.
13. A skull-cup, in which was a sum of money in notes and coins.
14. Tarot decks.
15. Black candles, red candles.
16. Cloths depicting a cat with skulls and a tree.
17. A metal spider.
18. An onion.
19. A garlic.
20. A square black cloth in the shape of a Pentacle

The defendant’s lawyer argued that “The Deity of “Santa Muerte” is a Goddess. As the old ancient Greeks believed in Poseidon, Zeus, Aphrodite, this is the “Goddess of Death” in Mexico.

The defendant herself claimed in the affidavit filed with the Court:

“Outside my house, I have a small warehouse where inside I have placed various objects in honor of the deity SANTA MUERTE in which I believe. After all, it is my constitutional right to believe in whatever god I believe in.

My right to believe in every deity has every citizen of the Republic of Cyprus or every citizen who belongs to the minorities, such as Latinos, Muslims etc.
Just as the Christian Orthodox has a small chapel or an iconostasis in his house or in his yard or a Muslim has a room and a Koran to pray to Allah, so I have a room specially made for the Goddess Santa Muerte. No law forbids me to own or keep room for the deity I believe in.

In honor of the Goddess Santa Muerte, like the Greek Orthodox priests, I have various incenses and incense burners and candles that I light to the Goddess Santa Muerte that stay lit while I meditate or pray to the Goddess Santa Muerte. The presence in the specially arranged room in honor of the goddess Santa Muerte is done by me exclusively and sometimes my ex-partner was also present.

It is my opinion that the Police did not respect the religion of the goddess Santa Muerte and entered the room specially arranged for her, in her temple, her own church and in violation of my right to religion they took from inside it, various objects that are for the benefit of the goddess Sana Muerte, such as candles, mirrors, incense, incense sticks.”

Evidence was submitted to the Court according to which the accused indulges in “witchcraft, black magic and tarot reading” for a fee.

In fact, in one of her videos, she allegedly advertises that if a woman wants a man and he doesn’t want her, she can use magic to make him want her, after being paid beforehand.

The Court rejected her request to quash the search warrant.

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#woman #accused #witchcraft

How ‌to enable JavaScript Chrome

It looks like ⁣you’ve ‌provided a snippet⁢ of JavaScript code that involves the loading of ‌various⁤ advertising scripts and integrations for a ‌web ‍page, including Google AdSense, OneSignal for ⁣notifications, and Disqus for ⁤comments, among‍ others.

Here’s a breakdown of the components in ⁤your ‍provided code:

1. **AdSense Management**:

-⁢ The code appears to manage ads for mobile and desktop views, ​dynamically loading or removing AdSense code based on certain conditions.

2. **Asynchronous ⁤Script Loading**:

– Functions like `asyncLoadScript()` suggest that the​ code is structured to load scripts asynchronously, which can help improve page loading times and user experience.

3. **Adman Integration**:

‌ ‌ -​ There’s initialization of⁢ an advertisement service identified as Phaistos Adman along with a placeholder for ⁣its⁤ ad unit.

4. **OneSignal**:

-⁢ An​ initialization ⁢block for OneSignal, indicating a service for‌ push notifications⁤ with a specific `appId`.

5. **Disqus Configuration**:

‍ – A configuration block for Disqus, ⁣which is typically used ⁤for comments ‌on ‍websites,⁢ including a placeholder for the‌ page’s URL and identifier.

6. **Commented-Out ‌Sections**:

⁢ – Several parts of the code‌ are commented out for potential ad services⁢ like CleverCore and⁤ Taboola/Project ​Agora, suggesting they may be intended for future use or are in development.

7. **Module Loading**:

– There are calls to `asyncLoadModule()` for various ⁢services, potentially loading ‌them based on certain conditions.

8. **Error Handling**:

– The ⁤code includes try-catch⁣ structures to ⁤handle potential errors during script loading.

### Improvement ⁢Suggestions

– **Complete URL/Path Additions**: The asynchronous loading comments include placeholders for URLs, such as `asyncLoadScript(‘`, which should have the​ actual script URLs corrected before deployment.

– **Code Structure Refactoring**: ⁤It ​might​ be helpful to consolidate repetitive patterns into reusable functions or components, ⁤enhancing ​readability‍ and maintainability.

-⁣ **Error Handling Enhancements**: Ensure robust error handling ‍around the script-loading logic to retry or recover from failed ‌loads gracefully.

– ​**Callback ​Integration**:⁣ Ensure that ‍callbacks for loading scripts ‌are​ properly defined ‍and invoked as necessary, especially ‌for⁤ services like CleverCore and others that are commented out.

– **Using⁣ Modern JavaScript**: If this code⁣ is intended⁤ for​ modern ​browsers, consider using `let`, `const`, and arrow functions to enhance clarity.

### Conclusion

The provided code ⁤serves as a setup for loading multiple‌ ad services and ⁢widgets‍ within a web application. Review any commented sections for potential implementation,⁢ and ensure all parts are fully specified to avoid runtime errors. If you plan on expanding​ this setup, consider how ⁤to structure your async loading to ensure all services are integrated seamlessly ‌without causing performance issues.

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