Al-Marsad newspaper: The Thai police managed to rescue a woman residing in the capital, Bangkok, who was stuck for 3 days in the bathroom of her house, by pulling out the door.
Thai police said the woman feared for her life so much that she wrote her will on the walls of the narrow bathroom using cosmetics.
The victim was stuck in the bathroom of her house, where she lives alone, and it is possible that a panic attack contributed to her breaking the door handle, while her sister reported to the police station in the Phra Khanong district of Bangkok that she had lost contact, according to “Al Arabiya Net”.
For his part, Phra Khanong Police Captain Chanchai Sunsiang told AFP, “Her sister might not contact her for 3 days, so she asked the police for help to go to see the victim, as the front doors of the house were closed from the inside,” explaining that the victim is in She is in fairly good condition, and she did not have to go to the hospital for tests.