A week dedicated to esports at Viroflay from April 11 to 16

From April 11 to 16, 2023 e-sport is in the spotlight at Viroflay (Yvelines). (©Illustration/Pexels/Pixabay)

From April 11 to 16, 2023, the city of Viroflay (Yvelines) will give pride of place tosport (video games) with several events and meetings allowing you to try out online sports games and discover a whole universe aimed at young people as well as their parents and grandparents.

Gem Hunt

A hunt for precious stones is thus planned, hidden at merchants from the city. Armed with your virtual pickaxe, look for the different deposits to try to collect jewels.

The ten best apprentice archaeologists will win a pixel art kit (the Baludik application is available for download, between April 8 and 15).

An exhibition dedicated to retro gaming will be offered from April 11 to 16 at the library; in addition, consoles retracing the history of video games can be tried out in the foyer of the auditorium. From 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

On Tuesday April 11, the library is organizing a conference around video games with three speakers: Jérôme Dupire, president of the association Cap Game will talk about the accessibility of video games for disabled people, Jonathan Chambon, member of the association Silver Geekwill discuss the uses, practices and benefits of video games for seniors.

Finally, Célia Hodent, Game UX consultant, will intervene with the aim of learning and understanding video games for better parenting practices for children.

8 p.m. in the auditorium. Free on reservation.

Mini tournaments

For 7-15 year oldsa discovery workshop for an introduction to programming and code will be offered on Wednesday April 12 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday April 15 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Ecu de France, in collaboration with Kidshaker. Free on reservation on 01 30 24 20 57.

Videos: currently on Actu

Children and adults are also invited on Wednesday April 12, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the library to take part in mini tournaments of Mario Kart on Wii.

Free on reservation.

Le Bull dog invites people aged 18 and over to come and play Mario Kart, Fifa or even arcade games on Friday April 14, from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Reservation: 06 65 24 61 13. The next day, Saturday April 15, market customers will be able to see cosplayers on the Leclerc market.

That same weekend, a great Fifa 23 e-sport tournament and Mario Kart is organized for 14-18 year olds. Each tournament will host 32 players. Free on registration: 01 39 24 12 66. On Saturday April 15, from 3 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., a free play area in the library will allow you to try new generation gaming stations: PS5, PS4, Xbox, etc.

Tester had

Finally, this festival proposes to test hado, a new generation immersive sport which mixes real and virtual. This augmented reality team game is played with a connected headset and bracelet. Players compete by shooting energy balls, like in a video game. The goal is to hit opponents while avoiding shots. Saturday April 15 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Gaillon sports center. FREE ENTRANCE.

Screening of the film Final Fantasy II, Wednesday April 12 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. FREE ENTRANCE.
Entertainment reservations on 01 39 24 34 40.

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