A warm Thursday morning awaits Orlando, according to the weather forecast | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

and they stayed in the areagustavo: there are always good orsamaritan helping thewe have to talk regarding the weatherbecause not only the tall onestemperatures are with us today.apparently in the followingnoon there will bestorms in various areasorlando.amber: these can be olderimpact of the week and withelectrical discharges therewe will take precautions.karuska: electrical dischargesusually occurs in the summerwhen combined with ambientwet and producesthat energy with the heat of thehigh temperatures thatprovides for this time. we are going tobe careful when we arein the vehicles, yesterdaycompare these recommendationsbecause they might be happeningelectrical activities inand the most important thing is not to touchthe metal.our vehicle always hascertain aspect that protects uslike the ceiling, does not allowthat comes to usenergy conduction and stillwe have to during aelectrical storm tryare inside the vehicle and thereto keep us insidecar until the stormthan.the ceiling has that materialto sustain drivingelectricity and we must notpark near trees, orpower lines becausemight trigger a situationelectricity or electrocutionand of course have windowsup all the time.this morning there are no downloadselectrical but can arisewe have conditionsquiet, in orlando 79.to daytona beach with 76,towards Maitlandfrom followingnoon onwards he willstay hotsticky too and withchance of rain andstorms around 8:00 pm andtemperature drops to 83.see how it can be developedrain activity andstorms, portions of theinterstate 4.some rains also in thecourse of the followingnoon andat 6:30 we can see coveragebroad once more, you havethe greatest chance of seeingshowers a little morefrequently in the course ofthe followingnoon. great part ofwe will continue to monitorthat heat and downpours.the strongest heat wherewe can feel the temperature102 from noon to4:00 pm and rain orstorm can arise from 2:00pm to 7:00 pm, is thefavorable environment forFriday, Saturday and Sunday veryhot and triple digits.also chance of rain

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