A video of the attack on SCH’s van, which cost the life of a close friend of the rapper, is circulating on …

Once again, social networks have not missed the drama. Since Monday, a video of the attack on SCH’s van in La Grande-Motte, which cost the life of a close friend of the Marseille rapper, has been circulating on Snapchat. A chilling ten seconds that reveal the black vehicle riddled with bullets, followed by the image of two men on the ground, taken care of by the firefighters.

Shortly before 6am on Monday morning, the Mercedes van used by the rapper was indeed machine-gunned near a nightclub in La Grande-Motte, the Dune club, where SCH had performed in a “showcase” a few hours earlier. However, the star was not on board. According to our colleagues at Free Midiwho originally reported the information, had already returned to her hotel in the Verchant estate. But other members of her staff were in the Mercedes van that was brought to a sudden halt at around 5:45 am by a burst of assault rifle fire, probably a Kalashnikov type.

Driver and passenger hit by multiple bullets

The driver and front passenger were hit by several bullets. Taken care of by the firefighters of the Sdis 34, the two victims were unconscious when the emergency services arrived. Despite attempts to resuscitate them, the passenger, hit twice in the chest, succumbed to his injuries at the scene of the shooting, while the driver was finally evacuated to the hospital in Montpellier by the Samu 34 helicopter, still between life and death.

But according to a testimony collected by The Parisiana second burst was fired towards the side windows, fortunately without hitting the other members of the SCH team who were in the back of the vehicle. The commando, numbering four people, according to the Montpellier prosecutor’s office, then fled in a powerful SUV, found a few hours later in the town of Lunel.



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