A very popular karaoke organized by TriodArts – Châtel-Censoir (89660)

The giant karaoke organized by TriodArts on the town hall square this Saturday brought together more than 250 people.

Miguel Marquez, well known as the director of the Yonne TV, found his host’s soul again to lead this karaoke. To incite, ignite and exalt an entire audience in front of performances that were sometimes dazzling and others more amusing. The singers of the evening gave it their all and warm voices to get each spectator to sing along with him. A show for singing and dancing but especially for friendship and conviviality that set the town hall square of Châtel-Censoir ablaze, adorned with lights and flags for the occasion. The food truck “Le Camion de Toto”, the crepes and the refreshment bar managed to keep the audience lively and alert until the end. This year, no list of songs, pre-established beforehand but just the song that the singer wanted to sing. Suddenly, a very wide range that went from Édith Piaf to Larusso via Claude François. But we will especially remember Desire by Johnny Hallyday sung wonderfully by David, My child, my love by Serge Reggiani, admirably performed by Jade and Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley, superbly sung by Gary, who arrived that same evening from England, who set the dance floor on fire.



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