A Ukrainian supermarket chain opens a store in collaboration with the “STALKER” series-GSC Game World staff also participates in the concept | Game*Spark

Ukrainian supermarket chain “Silpo” is also Ukrainian GSC Game World’s FPS “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.series will open on August 16th, local time.

The collaboration store is built in Kyiv and features a design reminiscent of “STALKER”. The staff of GSC Game World also collaborated on the concept. On Silpo’s FacebookPublish image videoIn addition, Reddit users in the storepost some picsdoing.

In addition, it seems that this collaboration store was planned last summer, but it seems that the plan was stopped due to the invasion of Ukraine. For the opening of this store, we are using the equipment of the store that was evacuated from other areas, and after various problems are resolved, we would like to upgrade the objects in the store.

It should be noted that Silpo has a variety ofPlanning a designer storedoing.

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