A Ukrainian ploy to prevent the Russians from benefiting from Kiev airport without destroying it.. Aerial photos reveal

New York, USA (CNN)–New satellite images taken by “Planet Labe” have revealed Boryspil Airport (Kiev International Airport), unharmed, with no damage or signs of destruction observed.

Credit: Planet Labs PBC

The photos confirm rumors of measures taken across Ukraine before the Russian invasion began, as the runways and landing strips at Kiev Airport were closed by queued cars, in an attempt to prevent Russian planes from landing and taking advantage of the airport.

It is reported that the massive Russian offensive, which began early Thursday, targeted military infrastructure across Ukraine as well as many airports and other key facilities using long-range missile and artillery attacks, and Kiev International Airport was one of the main targets.

Several gunshots were heard in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, and specifically near the city center around 5:45 am on Saturday local time, and it seems that the source of the fire came from the southeast of the city.

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