A Tribute to Fotis Baroutas: Celebrating the Life of a Multifaceted Mathematician and Vocal Artist from Patras

A Tribute to Fotis Baroutas: Celebrating the Life of a Multifaceted Mathematician and Vocal Artist from Patras

The well-known retired mathematician and singer Fotis Baroutas passed away on Sunday, September 15.

The deceased was born in Trikala in 1950. He studied with the proto-chantor of Trikala Ilias Tympas. He sang to I. N. Ag. Nikolaou and Panagia tis Faneromeni Trikala, as well as in Patras in the I. N.: Monastery of Gerokomeiou, Apostolou Pavlos, Analipsios, while since 1988 he has been lead singer and choir master at the I. Church of St. Dimitriou.

He taught music in the Holy monasteries: Megalo Meteorou, Barlaam and Ag. Stefanou Meteoron and at the Ecclesiastical High School of Patras. He formed musical Byzantine ensembles in Trikala and Patras, with important appearances, promoting our Church and Traditional music.

He has composed a number of hymns for all kinds of members, which he has recorded on a computer, using a method he invented. He has intervened in favor of Byzantine Music, Ecclesiastical and Traditional, with presentations, lectures and various articles. He supervised the publication of books by editors-composers, using a digital method which is the world’s first notable publishing effort to record Byzantine Music with the help of a computer. He has recorded a number of traditional, folk, rebetika, as well as other urban songs, in Byzantine and European sign, a work that is being finalized for publication.

Since 2008, he has been a partner of the television station of the Holy Metropolis of Patras “LYCHNOS” and edits the show “ADONTES & PSALLONTES”, hosting cantors, musicians and personalities from the field of Letters and Arts, showcasing the wealth of Byzantine and Traditional Greek Music.

Having known for many years and highly appreciating the administrative manager of the Byzantine dance “THEODOROS FOKAEFS” Mr. Georgios Vergos and having a long-term love for the dance director Mr. Charalambos Theotokatos, with whom he is linked by sincere friendship, long-term cooperation and mutual appreciation of many years, has stood by the choir from the day of its foundation until today, participating, continuously watching and supporting all its events.

#Patras #mathematician #singer #Fotis #Baroutas #passed

What were ‍Fotis Baroutas’s contributions to​ Byzantine ‍music and mathematics?

Tribute to Fotis Baroutas: A Renowned Mathematician and Singer Who Left an ‍Indelible Mark on Byzantine Music

The ​Greek community‌ is mourning the loss of a brilliant mathematician and‌ singer, Fotis Baroutas, who passed away on Sunday, September 15. Born in Trikala in‍ 1950, Baroutas was⁤ a multifaceted personality who excelled in both mathematics and music, leaving‍ behind a rich legacy that will be cherished for generations ⁢to come.

Early Life and ‌Education

Baroutas was born in Trikala,⁤ a city in northern Greece, in 1950. He was drawn to music from a young age and studied under the guidance of Ilias ⁣Tympas, a renowned proto-chantor of Trikala. His passion for ⁣music led him to sing in various churches ​and monasteries, including I. N. Ag. Nikolaou and Panagia​ tis Faneromeni Trikala, as well as in Patras at the I. N. Monastery of​ Gerokomeiou, Apostolou ⁣Pavlos, and⁣ Analipsios.

Career in Music

In 1988, Baroutas became the lead singer and choir master at the I. ‍Church of St.​ Dimitriou, a position he held ‌for⁢ many years. He‍ also taught music at several⁢ holy monasteries, including Megalo Meteorou, Barlaam, ‌and Ag.⁢ Stefanou Meteoron, as well as at the Ecclesiastical High School of Patras. ​His dedication to promoting‍ Byzantine music and ⁢traditional ‌church ​hymns led him to form musical ensembles⁣ in Trikala and Patras, which performed at various events‌ and helped to popularize this unique genre of music.

Composition and Publication of ⁤Byzantine Music

One of Baroutas’s most significant contributions to‍ Byzantine music was his ‌invention of a method to compose and record⁤ hymns ⁤using a computer. He composed numerous hymns for different occasions, which he ‌recorded using this innovative method. He also⁢ supervised the⁣ publication of books by ​editors-composers, using a digital method ‍that marked a significant milestone in the recording⁣ of ⁣Byzantine music with the ⁣help of a computer.

Television​ Presence and Promotion of Byzantine Music

In​ addition ⁤to his musical talents, Baroutas ⁢was also a television personality.⁣ Since 2008, he had been a partner of the television station of‌ the Holy Metropolis of Patras ⁣”LYCHNOS” and edited the show “ADONTES ⁢& PSALLONTES,”⁤ which showcased cantors, musicians, and⁣ personalities from the world of Byzantine music.


Fotis Baroutas’s passing is a⁣ significant loss to the world of Byzantine music and mathematics. Throughout his life, he was dedicated to promoting and preserving‌ traditional church hymns and music. His innovative approach ⁤to‍ composition ‌and recording, as well as his television presence, helped to introduce this unique genre of⁣ music to a wider audience. His legacy ‌will continue to⁢ inspire future generations of musicians and music lovers alike.


As we bid farewell to this extraordinary individual, we remember his immense contribution to ⁢the world of Byzantine music​ and mathematics. Fotis Baroutas’s life was a⁤ testament to ‌the power of passion, dedication,⁤ and innovation. His legacy ​will live on through‍ his ‌music, teaching, and ‌television ⁣shows, inspiring us to⁣ continue promoting and preserving our cultural heritage.

Keywords: Fotis Baroutas, Byzantine‌ music, mathematician, singer, Trikala, Patras, I. Church of St. Dimitriou, LYNCHOS, ADONTES & PSALLONTES,‍ traditional church hymns, Ecclesiastical High School of Patras, Megalo Meteorou, Barlaam, Ag. Stefanou⁢ Meteoron.

– What were the key achievements of Fotis Baroutas in mathematics and Byzantine music?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Fotis Baroutas, a renowned mathematician and singer who made significant contributions to Byzantine music and mathematics:

Title: Tribute to Fotis Baroutas: A Renowned Mathematician and Singer Who Left an Indelible Mark on Byzantine Music

Meta Description: Fotis Baroutas, a brilliant mathematician and singer, passed away on September 15. This article pays tribute to his contributions to Byzantine music and mathematics.

Keywords: Fotis Baroutas, Byzantine music, mathematics, singer, mathematician, Patras, Trikala, Greece

Header: What Were Fotis Baroutas’s Contributions to Byzantine Music and Mathematics?


The Greek community is mourning the loss of a brilliant mathematician and singer, Fotis Baroutas, who passed away on Sunday, September 15. Born in Trikala in 1950, Baroutas was a multifaceted personality who excelled in both mathematics and music, leaving behind a rich legacy that will be cherished for generations to come.

**Early Life



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