“A Tribute to Bobby” Kennedy’s First Appearance with Trump After Announcing Suspension of Campaign

Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. announced on Friday that he is suspending his campaign for the presidency and endorsing Republican candidate Donald Trump, stating that he will withdraw his name from the ballot in swing states.

Kennedy indicated that his internal polling suggested that his presence in the race would negatively impact Trump and benefit Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, although recent public polls do not clearly indicate a significant effect on support for either major party candidate, according to the Associated Press.

During his speech, Kennedy mentioned issues regarding free speech, the war in Ukraine, and a “war on our children” as reasons for his decision to remove his name from ballots in swing states.

“These are the main reasons that convinced me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and now to support President Trump,” he stated.

Kennedy’s withdrawal from the US presidential race. Will it tip the balance in Trump’s favor?

On Thursday, American media outlets reported that independent candidate for the US presidential election, Robert Kennedy, is preparing to announce his withdrawal and support for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Swing states are those that play a crucial role in the US presidential election, as they do not consistently vote for a particular party (Democrats or Republicans), making the voting outcomes in these states uncertain, including states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, and Nevada.

The Kennedy campaign has retracted its application for a license to run in Arizona, as reported by the New York Times. The campaign’s attorney has also filed a notice in Pennsylvania confirming Kennedy’s withdrawal there.

However, in Michigan, election officials stated that minor parties can no longer withdraw their candidates.

Election officials in other states, including Nevada, North Carolina, Utah, and Colorado, have reported that they have not received any requests from the campaign or his political party to remove his name from the ballot.

Kennedy’s decision has garnered disappointment among his supporters, according to The Guardian.

On Facebook, pro-Kennedy groups gathered thousands of supporters nationwide, some of whom expressed their discontent. They viewed Kennedy as a means to resist, and potentially disrupt, the two-party system in the United States, and felt that while his campaign suspension was already painful, “his decision to support one of the two major party candidates was perceived as far worse,” the comments indicated.

Commenting on Kennedy’s decision, American political analyst Khaled Safouri stated that Kennedy appeared to enjoy “showing off,” and described his announcement about suspending his campaign in some states as “vague,” implying that he had yet to make a firm decision.

In an interview with Alhurra, Safouri emphasized that Kennedy likely wants to maintain a presence in the elections to avoid becoming irrelevant in the media.

“About a year ago, after Kennedy announced his intention to run as an independent, the media flocked to him; since then, however, his appearances have significantly decreased,” he mentioned. “This is the reason,” according to Safouri, behind Kennedy’s desire to keep his position ambiguous.

Safouri noted that Kennedy had received acceptable support while President Joe Biden was the Democratic Party candidate, but the situation has changed since his deputy, Kamala Harris, was nominated to face Trump. “This explains his desire to play any role in these elections.”

Regarding leaving his name on the ballot in some states and not others, Safouri suggested that Kennedy is trying to retain his chances of winning office if Trump secures victory, keeping a “bargaining chip” that he could use to negotiate with Trump or even Harris. “This is the essence of his indecisive stance in all states,” Safouri stated.

Kennedy mentioned in his speech on Friday: “My name will still appear on the ballot in most states. If you live in a blue state, you can vote for me without hurting or helping President Trump or Vice President Harris. The same applies to red states.”

The American media claimed that Robert Kennedy may assume “some oversight” over one of the government agencies, including the CIA and FBI, if Trump returns to the White House for a second term in November.

The Washington Post reported that Kennedy spoke with Trump about endorsing his campaign and taking a position in his administration, overseeing various issues, including “health and medical.”

Last month, the same newspaper reported that Kennedy and Trump agreed to meet in Milwaukee during the Republican National Convention.

According to the report, “Trump expressed interest in Kennedy even as he publicly criticized him,” citing individuals familiar with the discussions.

These conversations reportedly included potential roles Kennedy could hold in the Trump administration, both in cabinet positions and jobs that do not require Senate confirmation.

First statements from Trump and Harris campaigns after Kennedy suspends his election campaign

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign stated on Friday that independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy’s announcement of his campaign suspension would provide a “boost” to the former president, while Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign attempted to attract Kennedy voters.

In this context, analyst Safouri stated that Kennedy’s preference for endorsing Trump over Harris was due to the latter’s campaign refusing to promise him any position, whereas “Trump, who is known for his promises, made an offer as well.”

Safouri disclosed that Trump seeks Kennedy’s endorsement only to enhance his own chances and may not actually offer him any position if he wins.

He asserted that this realization led Kennedy to choose to wait and not withdraw from all states, potentially deciding about two weeks before election day how he will handle the situation, according to Safouri.

Safouri pointed out that Trump likewise leverages promises, as he did with the Governor of New Jersey and the Mayor of New York, where he pledged them positions in his previous administration but did not follow through.

Kennedy’s partial withdrawal concluded what initially appeared to be one of the most promising third-party presidential campaigns in modern American history, attracting disaffected voters to the heir of one of America’s most revered Democratic families.

Kennedy is the son of the late Democratic politician Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy.

On Friday evening, the same day Kennedy announced the suspension of his campaign, he appeared at a campaign rally alongside Trump. in Arizona, where they confirmed their agreement on several issues.

Trump declared that if he is elected President of the United States, he will establish an independent commission to investigate assassination attempts.

Trump stated that the independent commission would be responsible for uncovering all remaining documents related to the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy.

He also mentioned that the committee would conduct a thorough review of the assassination attempt that occurred at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.

“A Tribute to Bobby” Kennedy’s First Appearance with Trump After Announcing Suspension of Campaign

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and independent candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who announced the suspension of his campaign, both confirmed their agreement on several issues.

Trump described the move as “a tribute to Bobby,” referring to Robert Kennedy Jr., who had declared his support for Trump.

Kennedy Jr. is the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy.

Trump had previously pledged that if he won a second term, he would disclose all documents related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, after agreeing during his previous presidency to release some documents while keeping others classified at the behest of national security agencies.

In response, Kennedy Jr. praised the former president, emphasizing that Trump shares his views on foreign policy, combating government censorship, and “eliminating epidemics and chronic diseases.”

During his speech, Kennedy recounted how he met Trump last month after the assassination attempt and subsequently met again in Florida to discuss what he referred to as their “shared values.”

“We discussed not the values that divide us, as we don’t agree on everything, but the values and issues that unite us,” Kennedy remarked.

“One of the topics we addressed was ensuring healthy food and ending the chronic disease epidemic,” he added.

“Don’t you want a president who will make America healthy again?” Kennedy posed.

Before calling Kennedy to the stage, Trump announced that he would invite him to serve on a commission to investigate “the long-standing increase in chronic health issues, including immune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and more.”

Kennedy stated in his speech that Trump had expressed his intention to “end neoconservative control of American foreign policy” and reduce the American military presence abroad.

Kennedy also reiterated their shared commitment to opposing censorship, which has been a focal point of Kennedy’s campaign as he has consistently criticized the Biden administration for collaborating with social media companies to combat misinformation.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Suspends Presidential Campaign to Support Donald Trump

Overview of Kennedy’s Decision

On a recent Friday, Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. made headlines by announcing the suspension of his campaign for the presidency. His unexpected support for Republican candidate Donald Trump has stirred significant debate and speculation across the political landscape. Kennedy indicated intentions to withdraw his name from the ballot in crucial swing states, citing internal polling that suggested his presence in the race could inadvertently benefit Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

Reasons Behind Kennedy’s Suspension

During his announcement, Kennedy focused on significant issues that motivated his decision. Among his primary concerns were:

  • Free Speech Issues
  • The War in Ukraine
  • A so-called “War on Our Children”

He clarified, “These are the main reasons that convinced me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and now to support President Trump,” highlighting his evolving political stance.

Impact on Swing States

Swing states play a pivotal role in U.S. presidential elections due to their unpredictable electoral outcomes. Some notable swing states include:

State Electoral Votes
Pennsylvania 20
Michigan 15
Wisconsin 10
Georgia 16
Arizona 11
North Carolina 15
Nevada 6

Kennedy’s Campaign Developments in Various States

In the immediate aftermath of his announcement, Kennedy’s campaign began withdrawing applications to appear on ballots in swing states. Arizona received particular attention as officials confirmed the process was underway. However, election officials in Michigan stated that minor parties are not permitted to withdraw their candidates. States such as Nevada and North Carolina had yet to receive formal requests for Kennedy’s withdrawal, leaving several voters in limbo.

The Reaction from Supporters and Political Analysts

Kennedy’s abrupt decision has drawn mixed reactions from his supporters. Many expressed sentiments of disappointment, feeling that his potential to challenge the two-party system has largely been compromised. This frustration is evident in numerous social media posts where supporters labeled the endorsement of Trump as a betrayal of his independent platform.

“You didn’t drop out of the race in all states. What a lame endorsement of Trump. Funny stuff!”

– Art Candee on Twitter

Political Implications of Kennedy’s Endorsement

Political analysts are dissecting the broader implications of Kennedy’s support for Trump. Khaled Safouri, a prominent political analyst, noted that Kennedy’s decision not to completely withdraw could be a strategic move to maintain relevance in the election. Safouri argues that this will allow him to negotiate a position in the potential Trump administration, should he win.

Negotiation Prospects

In his speech, Kennedy stated, “My name will still be on the ballot in most states. If you live in a blue state, you can vote for me without hurting or helping President Trump or Vice President Harris.” This assertion hints at a complex strategy to keep options open and perhaps leverage them in future political discussions. Analysts speculate on whether Trump might consider appointing Kennedy to a significant role, potentially overseeing health and medical issues.

Public Statements from Trump and Harris Campaigns

Following Kennedy’s announcement, both Trump and Harris’s campaigns responded swiftly. Trump’s team conveyed that Kennedy’s withdrawal would bolster Trump’s position in the race, while Harris’s campaign aimed to attract Kennedy’s supporters, recognizing their discontent with the traditional two-party system that Kennedy had previously challenged.

Kennedy’s Shared Values with Trump

Throughout his engagement with Trump, Kennedy emphasized shared values, including:

  • Commitment to combating government censorship
  • Ensuring healthy food sources
  • Addressing chronic health issues

Kennedy conveyed that during their discussions, they spoke more about common grounds rather than areas of disagreement, indicating a collaborative vision moving forward.

Future Political Landscape and Possible Roles

The future of Kennedy’s political involvement will likely be influenced by the outcome of the upcoming election. Talks have surfaced regarding potential roles he could assume should Trump reclaim the presidency. Speculation includes oversight roles in significant governmental agencies like the CIA or FBI, echoing the continued interest from Trump in aligning with influential figures such as Kennedy.


While Robert Kennedy Jr.’s resignation from the presidential race poses questions regarding the dynamics of the 2024 election, his strategic positioning could indeed alter the landscape. The intrigue surrounding his decision—and the varied reactions it generates from both supporters and political analysts—continues to unfold, highlighting the complexity inherent in contemporary American politics.



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