A ton of cannabis discovered in Vienna and Lower Austria

2023-04-26 10:53:02

In addition, on April 21, a total of 13 people were arrested and money and gold ducats worth 300,000 euros were confiscated, the police reported on Wednesday.

After extensive investigations, the criminalists struck: the criminal group is said to have operated a highly professional rearing and the corresponding distribution in Austria for several years. South of Vienna, the cannabis was professionally harvested, packaged and portioned in two halls with a total area of ​​around 2,000 square meters and then the cannabis was put into circulation. Another plantation was also found in a 120 square meter apartment in Brigittenau. A total of almost 1,000 plants were taken out of circulation.

Several fake driving licenses and passports were also seized from the two main suspects, a 53-year-old Austrian and a 29-year-old Czech. There were a total of 17 searches of apartments and vehicles, one of them in Upper Austria by the local task force to combat street crime. The 13 arrested are Austrians, Croats, Serbs and Czechs.


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