Ural teenagers received head injuries while hiding from the police in a car taken from their parents without permission. how informs On the evening of May 22, Interfax, citing the traffic police department for the Sverdlovsk region, three minors crashed into a pole at high speed while trying to get away from the chase.
“The 16-year-old driver of a VAZ-210740 car was moving (…) at a speed of regarding 120 km/h. When driving through an intersection, he lost control and ran into a reinforced concrete electrical pole. In addition to the driver, there were two minor passengers in the car – a 13-year-old girl sitting in the front passenger seat and a 17-year-old teenager who was sitting in the back seat.
According to the regional traffic police, the driver and his passenger were injured in the accident. Both were taken to the hospital with closed craniocerebral injuries and multiple bruises, the girl was hospitalized.
At the same time, the police previously established that the girl secretly took the car keys from her parents in order to ride at night with friends. A 16-year-old friend sat behind the wheel. The company was skating in the Krasnogorsk region, fell into the field of view of traffic police inspectors and tried to hide from them.
It was also established that the teenagers had previously repeatedly committed various offenses, were registered with the juvenile department, and the guy driver returned from a colony a month ago, where he was serving a sentence for theft and carjacking.
With regard to the parents of juvenile delinquents, as well as a teenager who was driving, administrative protocols were drawn up.