a third of French people find themselves with 100 euros left to live on the 10th of the month

2023-06-01 08:13:08

According to the results of an Ifop survey for MonPetitForfait, the sacrifices in terms of consumption have never been so important.

The feeling of strangulation of many French people in the face of inflation has never been so strong. What force them to make increasingly painful arbitrations observes investigation* carried out by Ifop for MonPetitForfait and which shows that these sacrifices have never been so important.

“On the 10th of the month, that is to say following the deduction of compulsory expenses from bank accounts, 31% of French people find themselves with a remainder to live of less than 100 euros in their bank account, including 10% at discovered”, can we read.

As a result, more than one in two consumers (58%) reduced their food expenses for financial reasons over the past twelve months, “twice as much as Ifop might measure in 2007 (29%)”.

One in two French people skips meals

Worse, 51% of respondents even come to “skip meals” regularly or occasionally, an increase of 7 points since June 2022. And 41% have postponed certain health expenses in the last 12 months, “almost twice as much as 15 years ago during the last inflationary crisis (25% in 2007)” underlines Ifop.

In addition, 34% of French people admit “that they sometimes cannot pay the charges related to their accommodation on time, i.e. a proportion up 5 points in eighteen months (29% in October 2021) “.

More anecdotally but just as symptomatic, two out of three French people (69%, +3 points since June 2022) sometimes give up going to the hairdresser for lack of money. And 37% intend to take advantage of the simplified termination on subscription services effective since June 1.

Financial insecurity rhymes with psychological distress

So many elements that cause anxiety at best, depression or even suicidal thoughts at worst. “Financial insecurity and psychological distress appear to be linked if we judge by the proportion of French people with less than 100 euros on the 10th of the month among the ranks of people affected by suicidal thoughts: 47%, i.e. twice as many as among those never suffer from it (28%)”, advances the survey.

“The current price spike not only cuts into the material living conditions of the poorest French people, but also weakens their mental health: anxiety and depression disorders are much more frequent in the fraction of the population most in financial difficulty regardless of the indicator used”, comments François Kraus of Ifop.

“Admittedly, these psychological disorders are often of multifactorial origin, but we can only observe that the most financially fragile display levels of distress well above average,” he underlines.

This situation also generates deep discontent once morest the government, which nevertheless highlights the various shields and aid put in place to protect the most fragile households. 73% of French people believe that the government is not doing enough to fight once morest rising prices.

*: Study Ifop pour MySmallPackage carried out by self-administered questionnaire online from May 5 to 9, 2023 with a sample of 1525 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

Olivier Chicheportiche Journalist BFM Business

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