A “thief who … shouts” headlines the Amateur Theater Festival PHOTOS

A “thief who … shouts” headlines the Amateur Theater Festival PHOTOS

The section of the Amateur Theater Festival, which is under the auspices of the Patras International Festival, completed this year’s journey on the “paths” of collective creation and expression on the evening of Sunday, September 22 at the Atrium of the Old Slaughterhouses with the presentation of the hilarious comedy of Dimitris Psathas “The thief calls out”, from the Ethos Poei Theater Group of the Lefkas cultural association.

The area of ​​the “Old Slaughterhouses” was filled once again by the friends of the amateur theater who enjoyed a comedy in three acts through which the “Golgotha” of an honest man who came face to face with the dishonesty that dominated the company that his struggle to suppress what he knows because of his cowardice was also working…

A “thief who … shouts” headlines the Amateur Theater Festival PHOTOS Festival Festival Festival

The performance was attended by the deputy mayor of Town Planning, Traffic Planning, Construction, Units of Messatis, Paralia, Vrachneika Anastasia Togiopoulou, municipal and apartment councilors and the president of DIPETHE Patras Lydia Karathanasopoulou.

Municipal Councilor Athina Kallimani-Georgitsopoulou and member of the Committee of the Amateur Theater Festival Kostas Tzouramanis spoke.

The play was staged under the direction of Dimitris Hourdoumis, Sets by Christos Salamouras, Set Construction by Nikos Gasparinatos.

Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival

They played in order of appearance: Natasha – Tasia: ilhini Michalopoulou, Lela: Ms. Kanjibatzakis, Rika: Maria Manesioti, Antonis: Dimitris, Souleles, General of Solon: Christos Salamouras, Timoleon: Nikos Gasparinatos, Commander: Ioanna Kalliabakou, Chief Warden: Kon /na Chrysikopoulou, Doctor: Dimitra Spanou

“Matriona’s house” the penultimate performance

Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s play “Matriona’s House” was the penultimate performance of the Amateur Theater Festival for this year with the Theater Group “Thermoscope” of the Association of Kefallins in Patras presenting it on Friday, September 20 at the “Old Slaughterhouses” in a free theater adaptation by the philologist Andromachi Yiannopoulou directed by Christos Bairaktaris.

Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival

The audience watched three novellas contained in the work delve into the characters of the persons whom the author approaches with immense love, even when he wears the mask of a sympathetic irony and his compassion for the world of the humble and oppressed,

The performance was prefaced by the Municipal Councilor Athena Kallimani-Georgitsopoulou, while the member of the committee of the Amateur Theater Festival, Kostas Tzouramanis, addressed a short greeting.

Credits: Direction – lighting – Christos Bayraktaris, Original music – Christos Yiannopoulos, Costumes Dressing Room – DIPETHE PATRON, Costume advice – Theodora Tsoulou, Assistant – director – Machi Antonopoulos.

Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival

The roles were performed by: Matryona Vasilievna – Dionysia Karabournioti, Ignatich – Dimitris Georgandopoulos, Massa – Machi Antonopoulou, Fantei – Giorgos Claudatos, Lipkova – Ioanna Vasilakopoulou, Sister 1st, wife of the president – Elena Koukli, Sister 2nd – Zeta Tsakalogianni, Sister 3rd – Penny Zarkada , Kira- Athena Kaliakouda, Driver, shoemaker- Michalis Kokkinos, Policeman, Ivan-Spyros Praras, Elder- Andreas Mazarakis, Musician on stage (mandolin), Dimitra Apsomotou.

#thief #shouts #headlines #Amateur #Theater #Festival #PHOTOS



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