A terrible tragedy – Yuval Rina Seri (Barak’s daughter) died tragically. “I will miss her until the day I die,” her father eulogized her

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Very difficult news upon learning of the passing of Yuval Rina Seri (30), a much loved Ashdod Municipality employee and the home of Barak Seri, who died tragically. A great shock among her friends in the municipality and among her acquaintances. Her father Barak Seri: “I will miss her until the day I die”

Yuval Rina Seri, 30 years old, passed away prematurely. Rina, a municipal employee much loved by her friends, was a secretary in the municipality’s employee committee and at the same time studied accounting. She was hospitable and very kind and loved by everyone.

When her father Barak Seri decided to run for mayor, she went on unpaid leave from the municipality to avoid a conflict of interest, and stood behind her father.

She was busy studying for a master’s degree, and made many plans for the future.

The news of her death left many very shocked by her sudden queen, finding it hard to believe that the beloved woman is no more.

Her father, Barak Seri, wrote regarding the disaster that befell his family: “My beloved daughter Yuval, dear to my heart, who was all regarding love, giving and kindness, has been rescued from her severe suffering. We loved her dearly. I will miss her until the day I die.’

Her funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) at 13:30 at the Ashdod cemetery in the old obituary hall.

Iris Naftali, chairman of the Ashdod municipality’s workers’ committee, wrote regarding the terrible tragedy: “Yuval, with your beautiful eyes and big heart, I can’t believe you are no longer with us.

You were taken from us at such a young age and the shock is great. I will always remember your amazing smile that greeted all the employees, your human love and human warmth that made us all fall in love with you, your dedication to your work in the workers’ committee that will be missing without you. We will miss you very much, and your memory will never fade from our hearts.

I send my condolences from the bottom of my heart to the entire Seri family, father Barak and mother Sarah, brothers Dan, Ella and Ron, and grandfather Avinoam and share in your sorrow with the heavy loss of Yuval.

The whole of Ashdod is in tears with you.

You will rest from heaven.’

Irma Zur paid tribute to her:

rest now? You called me, yes Yubi, I heard you
I’m sorry I didn’t insist more, I wrote to you and called you and you didn’t answer and I wrote to my mother and said Yovi is calling me
My Beloved
God takes the most beautiful angels to him –
How do you comfort a world without your beauty and the purity of your heart, shock market shock, sending hugs and consolations to your family, Sari Hoffman, to mother Sara, father Barak, to grandfather Avinoam Leon, Ella Gan Chaim Uriela and the grandchildren who were your whole world!
And all your lovers and a whole city
You were like a daughter to me, I mourn for you, girl
Light and love, a ray of sunshine
in the dark
A confidant of kindness and giving
A pure and innocent high soul
Loves a person and is happy – the doubt is not bad We had the way we liked so much entertainments laughter restaurants chains and photos shopping hotels travel bags of cakes and Paris Rome Cannes Shem Jerusalem Tel Aviv Ashdod Haifa North Sabbaths forgiveness conversations travel experiences cafes spoons swallow life and quickly have time to enjoy pray eat love talk hours to sweeten secrets and take walks to snack at midnight to bring up memories for the Paris women’s quartet group – you broke us my angel we became three I promised you an Italian bachelorette party and getting stronger
And everything is confused to me and everything runs through me and plays in my head like a movie
that we loved
I loved you my sunshine
We didn’t make it to Monaco
and other goals
And we didn’t have time to sit down
What a hurry Chaimashli was
Your Irmush is broken
Noi Noi as twins you were
The family is shocked
You were an integral part of Roi Adam and Nogi, what??? Angelic love, what regarding your promise to sit down?
celebrate our birthdays
If there is pure purity in the world, it is you
Thank you for everything you have been. Thank you for the privilege to be a part of your life. Stunning, perfect, beautiful. May you be a blessing to the soldiers you cared regarding so much and to the people of Israel.

A hard loss that broke the love and hugs forever our Yuvi

stand up

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