a ‘Terminator’-inspired robot that turns from solid to liquid to get past obstacles

Reality reaches into the future with the invention of a tiny robot with very peculiar qualities and that it can be an important support for medicine. This little doll – it measures one centimeter – is the invention of Chinese and American researchers. A mini robotwith no moving parts, capable of passing from solid to liquid state: dilutes and reforms later.

Its applications can become very interesting. In medicine, the robot has shown that it has an ability to catch and expel a foreign object from within the human body. and is even capable of administer medications in the right place and time. It works thanks to the application of magnetic fields and its industrial uses are also surprising. For example, you can solder a circuit or form screws that can join very heavy objects.

Inspired by ‘Terminator’

The T-1000 robot from the ‘Terminator’ movie was the turning point to create this new robot. The scientists used the model of the feature film to create the MPTM that manages to pass from solid to liquid. Its size is similar to that of a lego piece. He is able to pass through the bars of a cell.

The person in charge of the study is Dr. Chengfeng Pan, an engineer from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He explained that his goal was to “give increased functionality to their robots”. It has been called MPTM, English acronym for ‘Magnetic-Active Phase Transition Machine’. It has been manufactured with phase change polymerssome polymers that melt in external heat sources, such as lasers.


We’ve seen swarms of microbots in the past that can swim through our system to deliver drugs more directly. Their use still depends on making them smaller, but for science no door is forever closed.

robots with artificial intelligence

Robots are here to stay. In Zaragoza, for example, they tried to implement the ‘robots chef‘. These move autonomously or remotely controlled depending on the situation. The mayor of Zaragoza, Jorge Azón, explained that “the arrival of a new innovative company in our city, with this pioneering initiative in Spain, is one more example of the implanted spirit from the area of ​​Public Services and Mobility and from this Government”.

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“We want Zaragoza to be a reference, a city where you can experiment with the most advanced technology, the most sustainable, the most respectful with the environment and the most avant-garde,” added Azcón.

robotic dogs on the moon

ESA will use the European Large Logistics Lander (EL3) to send robotic dogs to the moon. This ship will be in charge of moving cargo and experiments to the lunar surface and its first mission is expected to take place at the end of this decade.

The robot dog chosen to travel to the Moon is called LEAP and it has the shape of a 4-legged creature and, although its appearance is not exactly that of a dog, its design is inspired by ANYmal, a robot dog developed by ANYbotics that has the ability to fall and get up, climb steep slopes, dig channels in the ground and move stones with their feet to check what is below.

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