A television explodes in Hornu, the house ravaged by flames

Around 6:30 p.m. this Thursday evening, a fire broke out in a house on rue de Warquignies in Hornu.

For some undetermined reason, the television of the couple who lived there exploded. According to our information, the flames would have reached the roof of the house which is uninhabitable given the damage caused by both the explosion and the flames that followed. “The two people who live at this address were injured during the fire“, told us Jean-Claude Debiève, mayor of Boussu, who was there when we contacted him. “They were taken to the hospital but a priori, it would not be in serious condition. I haven’t met anyone from their family so I don’t know if they will need temporary accommodation. But if they need it, we would of course help them.

The fire was brought under control by firefighters from Saint-Ghislain and Quiévrain who intervened on the spot and were still there around 8 p.m.

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