A tea discovered to help control high blood pressure

2024-08-04 19:26:44

Hypertension occurs when blood flows through a patient’s veins at a higher than normal pressure. This condition causes the heart to work harder to distribute blood throughout the body and is one of the major risk factors for stroke, heart disease, aneurysms, kidney failure and heart failure.

Medical monitoring with medications is crucial for anyone diagnosed with high blood pressure. However, food can help: some juices and teas have antioxidant and blood pressure-lowering properties that can help control high blood pressure.

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“When faced with high blood pressure, diet can influence and greatly help blood pressure control. The first step is to reduce salt consumption. Erika Renata, a cardiologist at the Brasilia Heart Clinic who is a specialist in hypertension, said in a previous interview Big culprit. metropolis.

Food can’t replace high blood pressure medication, but tea can help treat it

Hibiscus tea is a good choice. “It has a diuretic effect, that is, it increases the number of trips to the bathroom to urinate. This effect eliminates toxins and sodium in the urine and lowers blood pressure,” explains the cardiologist.

Preparing hibiscus tea is easy. Laura de Souza Silva, a nutritionist specializing in sports and beauty nutrition, teaches you how to make the drink and reap all the benefits. Check out the recipe:

Boil 1 liter of water; add 1 to 2 tablespoons of hibiscus; cover and simmer over low heat for 5 to 10 minutes; strain and place in a pitcher.

The infusion can be consumed hot or cold, or overnight, but it will lose its effectiveness if kept for more than 24 hours.

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