A taxi driver from La Plata stopped a 17-year-old teenager with a scarf who stole a motorcycle

2023-07-30 23:52:15

A taxi driver stopped a criminal with a scarf 17 years old that he had stolen a motorcycle in the center of La Plata this Sunday, for his part his accomplice managed to escape. The teenager was released for being a minor.

the event occurred this morning on the diagonal of 74th and 48th streets, when the thieves appropriated the motorcycle and immediately fled the scene. The desperate victim got into a taxi and called for help.

The driver came to the aid of his passenger after the criminals. After walking around the area a few times, found them on the sidewalk. Apparently the thieves had tripped over a tile, which caused them to fall on the asphalt.

At that moment, the taxi driver got out of the car and began to run them. He kicked one of them and managed to make him fall again.

Once he had him reduced to the ground, he tied a scarf around his wrists behind his back and held him until the arrival of the police. The accomplice, meanwhile, was able to escape.

After a notice to the police, some troops arrived at the place and transferred the teenager to the police station. As reported by police spokesmen to the portal 0221, the young man was released.

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