A swan died of avian flu in Decize: 53 municipalities in the temporary control zone

The prefecture announces that the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) was identified on Friday, January 20, on a mute swan found dead in Decize. This is the first case reported in the department since the start of the epidemic.

This virus, in active circulation in Europe through migratory birds or among native wildlife, is particularly contagious and pathogenic for birds.

An area of ​​20 km and fifty-three municipalities around the place

The prefect issued an order delimiting a temporary control zone (ZCT) of
20 km and fifty-three municipalities around the place of discovery of the infected bird where prevention and surveillance measures are applied in order to prevent the appearance of avian influenza in farms.

These localities are: Anlezy, Avril-sur-Loire, Azy-le-Vif, Béard, Beaumont-Sardolles, Billy-Chevannes, Cercy-la-Tour, Champvert, Charrin, Chevenon, Cizely, Cossaye, Decize, Devay, Diennes- Aubigny, Dornes, Druy-Parigny, La Fermeté, Fertrève, Fleury-sur-Loire, Fours, Frasnay-Reugny, Imphy, Isenay, Lamenay-sur-Loire, Limon, Lucenay-lès-Aix, Luthenay-Uxeloup, La Machine, Montambert, Montaron, Montigny-sur-Canne, Neuville-lès-Decize, La Nocle-Maulaix, Saint-Benin-d’Azy, Saint-Germain-Chassenay, Saint-Gratien-Savigny, Saint-Hilaire-Fontaine, Saint-Jean – in the Amognes, Saint-Léger-des-Vignes, Saint-Ouen-sur-Loire, Saint-Parize-en-Viry, Saint-Parize-le-Châtel, Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier, Sougy-sur-Loire , Thaix, Thianges, Tintury, Toury-Lurcy, Toury-sur-Jour, Trois-Vèvres, Verneuil and Ville-Langy.

Already 50 million poultry slaughtered: Europe faced with the “most devastating” avian flu in its history

These measures provide in particular for increased sheltering of animals, increased monitoring of farms (laboratory analyses) and adaptation of hunting activities.

For more information, refer on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

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