A sustainable farm is a good neighbor Business

Environmental challenges and economic opportunities

Improperly managed manure can cause serious environmental problems. Nitrates and phosphates from manure can pollute water bodies, causing water blooms and harming aquatic life. Ammonia gas from manure can contribute to air pollution and adversely affect human health. In addition, manure is a source of greenhouse gases such as methane.

In Lithuania and the European Union, there are strict environmental requirements for the management and use of manure. Farmers must comply with these requirements to avoid environmental pollution and possible sanctions.

On the other hand, properly managed manure can become a valuable farm resource. It is a natural fertilizer that can reduce the cost of mineral fertilizers. Manure also improves the structure of the soil, increases its fertility and helps retain moisture, and it can be used to produce biogas, a source of renewable energy.

Shutterstock photo/Dung

Biotechnology solutions

Modern biotechnologies offer innovative solutions for efficient manure management. The Lithuanian biotechnology company Nando has developed products that help farmers solve the challenges of manure management and exploit its potential.

The product “NN Farmodor C” for manure management carries out oxidation of ammonia and sulfur compounds, promotes decomposition of the solid fraction of manure, mineralizes organic matter, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and absorbs unpleasant odors.

CC Addoxy, an oxygen release product for aerobic processes and chemical transformations where oxygen is required. It is suitable for aeration of manure, slurry, artificial water bodies, sewage. Raises the level of dissolved oxygen, supports the vital and functional activity of aerobic bacteria, inhibits the growth of anaerobic bacteria, reduces emissions of ammonia, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, participates in ammonia and hydrogen sulfide oxidation processes, aerates artificial water bodies and raises the pH level.

These products can be used both in a complex and individually, depending on the needs of the farm. For example, CC Addoxy can be used to prevent the formation of crusts in tanks, which not only prevents the growth of bacteria, but also facilitates the suction of manure.

Expert insights

The product group manager of the Republican Veterinary Supply Center, veterinarian Povilas Krylovas emphasizes the importance of a sustainable farm not only for the farmers themselves, but also for the surrounding communities.

“The modern trend is that people often move outside the city, buy lots and build houses there. However, it happens that there may be farms nearby that emit unpleasant pungent smells. And such farms are like a key to the entire environment, the entire ecosystem,” noted P. Krylovas.

Sustainability, he said, includes not only environmental protection, but also economic sustainability and community well-being.

“It is necessary to take into account the interests of those around you, not to cause them discomfort, unnecessary tension, this can divide communities,” said the veterinarian.

He also emphasized the importance of animal hygiene, which also depends on proper manure treatment: “House hygiene means lower costs for veterinarians and medicines, a safer environment for animals and farm operators, and healthy animals means higher farm productivity.”

According to Mr. Krylov, “Nando” products improve the microclimate, reduce odors, allow the use of significantly less conventional fertilizers and save money.

“In this way, you not only reduce unpleasant odors on your farm, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, but when you take such biologically enriched nitrogen and other useful substances to the fields as fertilizer, the plants use the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other materials necessary for better vegetation”, the expert saw all sorts of benefits.

Proper manure management is an essential element of sustainable and profitable agriculture. It helps protect the environment, save resources, increase farm productivity and contribute to the fight against climate change. Biotechnologies such as Nando’s products can be valuable tools for farmers to manage manure efficiently and create a more sustainable future. A sustainable farm is not only a good neighbor, but also a successful one.

#sustainable #farm #good #neighbor #Business
2024-08-16 16:37:01



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