A surprise in the 21 carat workmanship.. The collapse of the gold price in Egypt today, Tuesday, January 10

Gold prices today in Egypt, 21 karat, workmanship. The price of gold today.. witnessed a price gold in Egypt A noticeable decline during the beginning of trading today, Tuesday, January 10, 2023, so that the price of 21 carat gold recorded a decrease of 65 pounds, to reach 1745 pounds in the Egyptian goldsmith.

Gold prices today in Egypt, 21 karat, factory

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gold price today

24 karat gold price

The price of a gram of 24 carat gold has decreased to regarding 1994 pounds, and it is considered the most common type in the Gulf countries.

21 karat gold price

The price of 21 carat gold decreased by regarding 65 pounds, to record regarding 1.745 pounds per gram, and it is considered the most common type in Egypt, especially Cairo and Alexandria.

18 karat gold price

Today, the price of an 18 karat gram decreased to regarding 1.496 pounds, and it is considered the most common type in Upper Egypt.

14 karat gold price

Today, Tuesday, the price of a gram of 14 karat recorded regarding 1.163 pounds.

12 karat price

It also recorded the lowest caliber of 12 caliber, regarding 980 pounds

The price of an ounce is 24 karat

Today, Tuesday, the price of an ounce of 24 carat decreased to regarding 1872 dollars.

Global gold prices

The price at the global level witnessed a decline, to record the price of an ounce today, 1872 dollars, following the global spot contracts for gold recorded a big jump in the past days.

Gold contracts recorded remarkable stability, as the price of an ounce, which weighs regarding 31.1 grams, recorded $1,872.96.

The price of the precious metal rose several times following the Russian-Ukrainian crisis in an unprecedented way, and reached an unexpected level, and the price of a gram of 21 karat gold exceeded regarding 1200 pounds for the first time on Monday, May 9, 2022, to exceed it on Thursday, December 15, 2022, recording the highest level in its history, which is 1900 pounds.

This came as a result of the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate and the dollar’s ​​price to exceed 27 pounds. At the global level, gold prices achieved a decrease of $4 in the price of an ounce of gold on the global gold exchange.

And the Central Bank of Egypt announced raising the interest on Egyptian treasury bills, the return on short-term debt instruments, to 25% for the first time in its history, explaining that the reason for this decision came following the requests of banks and institutions, which amounted to 244 subscription requests for public bills, to raise the price. The interest rate rose to 25.06%, as this came one day following the decision of both the National Bank of Egypt and Egypt to issue platinum certificates with an annual return of up to 25%.

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