A sunscreen that has less impact on the production of vitamin D

2023-06-22 11:56:48

Home > In brief > A sunscreen that has less of an impact on vitamin D production Written on June 22, 2023 at 1:56 p.m. Article published in journal no.

Finally, it’s summer! We can breathe and enjoy the sun. To enjoy, yes, to grill like a chicken, no. So, a reminder to the madmen who want to roast while exposing themselves to the hottest hours: ultraviolet rays (UV A and B) remain the leading cause of skin cancer with 80,000 new cases per year. So, we protect ourselves by wearing a cap, clothing that covers the skin, we slather on sunscreen with a minimum factor of 30 and we avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. It’s common sense! Yes, but some would argue: “And the vitamin D synthesized by the metabolism thanks to the UV rays of the sun in all this? “It is true that sunscreens, filtering UV, and especially UVB, are not the best allies of synthesis.

Read also Cosmetics and sunscreens: beware of octocrylene!

In her thesis for the state diploma of doctor of pharmacy*, Pauline Dumortier recalls that “theSun creams reduce this synthesis by 98% from an SPF 15 [l’indice de protection, NDLR] “. Then then, “the contribution of a “vitamin D like” active ingredient would compensate for this inhibition “. If the flagship asset remains at Vederinea patented extract of chicory, here it is on winemaking yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, supported by the Breton company Kerbi. Exposed to UVB, they naturally produce vitamin D. The developed sunscreen is 99.2% composed of natural ingredients. In short, a product that seems to solve the delicate equation “sun protection/vitamin D synthesis” without clogging the skin with petrochemicals.

Other solution ? Exposing yourself for 10 to 20 minutes a day without sunscreen (following the above recommendations). This is more than enough to synthesize the 1,000 IU corresponding to the daily vitamin D needs (do not exceed 10 minutes for fair skin).

Address book

Kerbi, sun milk, SPF 30 and 50,

Bibliographic references

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