A study reveals that 60% of diabetics experience problems in the intimate sphere

2023-07-06 14:33:00

In 2021, 4 million French people were treated for diabetes.

This disease is characterized by a insufficient insulin production by the pancreas (a hormone that regulates the concentration of sugar in the blood) or a bad use of it by this same organ.

Men are mostly the most affected with the exception of overseas territories where it is women who are the most affected.

As a reminder, there are two types of diabetes:

The type 1 diabetes which occurs mainly in children or young adults. Type 2 diabetes, the most common form with 90% of cases. It mainly occurs in adults but can also occur in adolescence.

A number of cases set to double by 2050

The number of diabetics in the world continues to evolve, as The Lancet warned in a study published recently.

The study indicates that the number of cases globally was 529 million in 2021 and will be 1.3 billion in 2050. This, in part because of the increase in obesity due to increased consumption of high-calorie foodsthe decline in physical activity as specified by the WHO.

An impaired quality of life

In a survey conducted by Ifop published in 2021, 81% of respondents declared that the disease is constraining on a daily basis. “Thus, one out of two patients reports that their disease has already deteriorated their physical (57%) and psychological (50%) well-being with a significant impact on their mood (46%) and their sex life (41%). In addition, many of them deplore its negative impact on their social (38%), marital (33%), family (30%) or professional (32%) life. »

However, a large majority of respondents said they were satisfied with the effectiveness of their treatment.

The intimate sphere greatly impacted

A recent study carried out by Opinion Way for the company Roche Diabetes Care France details the impact that diabetes can have on intimate life people who suffer from it.

500 people with diabetes were surveyed, including 56% men and 46% women.

A majority of respondents (60%) living as a couple say they encounter difficulties in the intimate sphere. Among these difficulties, we can find: a decrease in libido (35%), erectile dysfunction in men (32%), vaginal dryness for women (27%).

It should be noted that it is people with type 1 diabetes who are more affected by these difficulties in the intimate sphere, up to 80% of respondents.

The need for health professionals to be aware of these issues

“This study highlights the importance of addressing issues related to intimate life in the comprehensive care of patients with diabetes. It is essential that health professionals are made aware to these specific issues. They can play an important role in directing the diabetic patient to a sexologist who will know the advise on the strategies to adopt to improve their intimate life,” commented Dr Sébastien Doerper, Head of the Territorial Health Unit, Head of the Sexual Health Service, Hospital Practitioner at the Center Hospitalier de Luneville at the end of the study.

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