A study clarifies the nutritional tricks that prolong life .. and reveals common myths that should be avoided to fight aging

Molecular biologist Nicklas Brendborg has studied research from around the world to uncover diet and fitness tricks that can really help fight aging, and debunked some common myths to avoid.

“Our largest and most rigorous studies conclude that vitamin D supplementation does nothing to prevent early death,” the biologist said.

Fish oil is also touted as a miracle supplement. But most of its benefits disappear upon closer examination. In the largest studies, people who took fish oil supplements did not live longer than others. But it slightly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Foods that prolong life

Studies have found that people who eat foods rich in perperidin (wheat germ, beans, and mushrooms) in their diet tend to live longer. Rapamycin extends the life of rodents and has shown promising results in other animals as well, such as dogs.

The effectiveness of fasting once morest aging

Fasting extends the lifespan of laboratory animals when they are subject to a “calorie restriction” regime. Scientists have found that lab mice live longer when they are fed less.

People who follow this approach also tend to be healthy, with optimal blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and immune systems. But the fasting regime should be avoided during pregnancy, by children and the elderly.


Studies have shown that people who use saunas have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a longer life.

But there is a negative side to it for men, as the high temperature reduces the quality of sperm, which affects reproduction.

fiber intake

Fiber is a miracle for health, it reduces the feeling of hunger and thus helps us to eat less food, which leads to fighting aging, and also enjoying a slim body.

Fiber also reliably lowers cholesterol levels.

Playing sports

And exercise is considered a catalyst in extending the life of laboratory animals as well as humans. Even those in the best shape live longer than those in good shape.

Exercise counteracts age-related muscle and bone loss, thus fighting high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and even helping the immune system stay young.

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